The Art of Everything

“Discipline. Success. Training”

You’re probably aware of these words, but you’re never sure that you have ‘em all, right? Let me invite you to my world, the world where Discipline is practiced, Success is aimed and Training is your life. The world of kick… 


Taekwondo, a martial art, whose origins traced to Korea, tae means “to strike or break with foot”kwon means “to strike or break with fist”; and do means “way”“method“, or “art”. In this art you’re the brush and your canvass is the kicking pad. In many ways, this sport can teach you how to know the balance of everything.


You’ll learn Discipline. You never use this art for you to just simply brag your skills to everyone. As a taekwondo player you must know the perfect characters of a master. You have to make it a point that every move you make is as clean as your kicks. You have to see the art of contentment and discipline which are found in the word we call CONTROL.


You can manage Success. You can see yourself reaching for the highest kick that you could give. Once you got it, you’ll feel the excitement and you’ll know why people are still unaware of the real meaning of success. In Taekwondo, success is signified by the belts that you earned, each level will prepare you in balancing everything. You will learn from easiest to the hardest.


Training is a routine. You can never grow up or balance if you don’t train enough to reach the top. Training will follow you wherever you go. Everything that you do will contribute something on your training. You will never learn without trying to perfect and master the routines you’re doing.


In Taekwondo, you are your own leader, you are the fist that punches, the foot that gives the snaps from the kicks and you are the body that balances the art of doing the mastered martial art. And if you’re already at the top, Discipline will be your religion, Success is your comfort, and Training is your ground and it will make you master the art, the art of everything.

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