BUM LIFE: A Sluggish Beginning

Vacation is a trendy word for rest. Usually “Rest Time” is only good for 2-3 no-labor-days or in schools they have it max to 30days. What comes next to vacation is what 20ish individuals call the BUM LIFE, where you get to have your unlimited no-school-work-days, wakeup-late-with-brunch-serve, 24/7 internet surfing and anything you want to do! Isn’t that the nicest music you’ve heard in your whole life? But when will you put a deadline on this slothful living? When is the right time to walk out of this man-made-heaven?

Who are those people living this kind of life? College Graduates seeking for a vacation after a 4-year-struggle on their studies, unemployed, terminated workers/ employees, slacker, couch potato, rich kids, sick people and bludger or maybe anyone who just wanted to get out of their restless life. But I’d like to focus on graduates.

What’s the best part of having this kind of living?

You can take your biggest break EVER. With a well-planned life, after graduation, some goes straight to the real world and work their asses out to earn. Some are leaving for other country to work or to have vacation first and then work. But most are still thinking where to go, what to do next and where to enjoy the vacation before going to the stressful life of the real world. (Well, apparently, I belong to the MOST group. haha) Continue reading “BUM LIFE: A Sluggish Beginning”