To That Guy You’ve Always Hated But Never Forgotten…

You can slap him on the face but as you walk away from him, you will tell yourself that he is right; he is definitely pointing out whatever your mind screams: DONE!

You may have parted ways but you will still see each other around. You cannot just avoid each other because you were both from the same town. You may cross paths again but you will not confront each other, all you can do is smile and pass by.

Your friends will ask you if you are okay with him dating someone, you are free to say no because you’ve been together for how many years, how can you forget about that? You will convince yourself over and over again that you are fine. You will tell your friends you are happy for him but you will tell yourself, ‘the fuck he is for moving on that soon!’
Yes, you will curse him everytime you will remember what he did to you; he just left, he just made you feel you are less and he just made you feel that he was never happy when he was with you.
Every day you might feel that you did something wrong and you will feel that it is your fault why everything had gone wrong between the both of you but NO! You don’t have to blame yourself. You don’t have to take responsibility and you don’t have to hug all the pain.
Yes, your friends will tell you will meet someone but you will still compare this new guy to him. You will still feel like as if he’s your perfect standard and there’s no one better compare to him. You might be right but only in your eyes. Yes, your friends will think that you are out of your mind whenever you tell them that you miss him and whatever he did actually hurts which you forget constantly because you just miss being with him.
Your friends know that it hurts! You will convince them that he is a good guy and you might be the bad guy in the story. You will convince yourself that he will realize that he loves you more than this girl once this girl shows her real side. You will convince yourself that this girl doesn’t deserve him and they will part ways soon and you will tell yourself that you will be on your own once that happened but No! You are definitely wrong! You will be thinking about him and how long you will wait for him until he realizes his mistake, you will feel guilty of everything until you find yourself begging for him to come back.
He will not come back. He will refuse you and he will tell you to move on. You can slap him on the face but as you walk away from him, you will tell yourself that he is right; he is definitely pointing out whatever your mind screams: DONE!
But you still have that slight insanity lingering in your body and you will still fucking tell yourself that you cannot move on! He will come back! You will eventually blame everyone around you and you’ll end up telling yourself that ‘hey! what’s happening to you?’
He’s happy now! He has his own life, might as well throw those letters he gave you during your monthsary, those songs he dedicated for you while listening to the mp3. The truth is, you are the only one keeping them, he threw it all including your heart from the very point you two separated. He will never tell you sorry because he’s not.
Tell him everything that you feel. Burst it all out! Scream if you needed to but after that, make sure that you will never go back again, never reread messages and never set foot back into that moment where you told yourself that you can’t live without him. Hey! You are living now, you see? What’s the worse thing that could happen with your life without him aside from making yourself miserable?
You might think letting go is the hardest part but you’ll realized holding on makes it more painful to endure.
He may have crushed you into pieces and yes he already said sorry for doing that but I think there’s no way that it is his responsibility to say sorry just because you haven’t moved on just like he did yet.


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