10 Struggles Only 23-26 years old Will Understand

We are in the between of young and adult age. You maybe confused with other things like your career, your present and the fuck is your future as well! So here’s 10 of the things that most of the people in our age don’t want to admit but keeping their minds busy by just thinking about it.

1. Looking for your dream job.unknown-2

Sometimes, we choose money over dreams. We need to earn in order to give back to our parents right after college. You’ve been dreaming of becoming a famous writer or a doctor but life swept you to the wrong path. You are now working as an executive assistant or a call center agent or fancy restaurant waiter (which are usually far from medical courses and other courses, unless you studied secretarial and F&B courses); You are happy but you are not that satisfied; You always ask yourself when will you be able to go back on track and do what you really love. C’mon! We all have those regrets, right? Continue reading “10 Struggles Only 23-26 years old Will Understand”