10 Struggles Only 23-26 years old Will Understand

We are in the between of young and adult age. You maybe confused with other things like your career, your present and the fuck is your future as well! So here’s 10 of the things that most of the people in our age don’t want to admit but keeping their minds busy by just thinking about it.

1. Looking for your dream job.unknown-2

Sometimes, we choose money over dreams. We need to earn in order to give back to our parents right after college. You’ve been dreaming of becoming a famous writer or a doctor but life swept you to the wrong path. You are now working as an executive assistant or a call center agent or fancy restaurant waiter (which are usually far from medical courses and other courses, unless you studied secretarial and F&B courses); You are happy but you are not that satisfied; You always ask yourself when will you be able to go back on track and do what you really love. C’mon! We all have those regrets, right?

2. Travelling around the world.sparkling-diamond-bling-animated-gif-22

You maybe willing to spend lots of money for a short vacation but you cannot travel 3 months long just because the company won’t allow you or you want to travel but you don’t have enough means to do so. Enough with the whining but this is the reality; plane tickets can cause you thousands and not to mention the accommodation and the pocket money. Yes, I know you thought about ‘backpacking’ but I can assure you, you can only go back packing if you leave everything behind and bring only yourself and your hiking backpack!

3. Finding your real friends.3037092375_1_11_he4k5zu7

At your age, many of your friends are engaged and about to become parents. Finding the real friends you can invite to be your bridesmaid and the godparent of your child is very critical. At this very moment in our lives, we experience heartaches and difficulties on understanding even other people. Your friends in high school may not be your friends anymore and your friends in college might be your worst enemy now. We may not know, so yeah, it is very hard to find the real ones!

4. Being asked why you are single and still not having any plans.tumblr_mguttjvvso1qakflfo1_50011

Yes, we get this a lot! Everyone is marrying someone and that sucks because you are the only one swiping right on tinder and having an irksome date which you are forced to tolerate for hours. It’s not like you don’t have any plans on having a family but life is just preparing you so well for the future that’s why it’s chiseling you to become so much better than you’ve ever been before.

5. Living alone.amy-poehler

If you are from an Asian family (Filipinos mostly) then you are very familiar of the rule where you’ll still be sleeping in your parents house until the day you marry (sometimes even when you’re married, parents refuse to let go.) The cost of living is very expensive especially when you are alone. You cannot rent a condo or buy house not until you earn 10 times better than what you are earning right now; living with your parents or renting a room with someone with you (either a friend or a boyfriend) is your fate. Not to mention the food supplies and the stash of liquors you’ll be visiting in the future.

6. Budgeting your salary.money-gif

From your miscellaneous to your personal needs, it is damn hard to budget everything. You go to the grocery with your list consisting only your food plan for the whole week and you realize you are out of tampons and tissue. Of course at your age you need to give back like 5% of your salary or more than that. Don’t get me wrong, giving back to your parents is not a burden, but the fact that you budget everything and when you get your salary you’ll just pay bills, it sucks.

7. Finding healthy options.28be4c93-24f7-482d-8a94-03b8efa60b7e

You’re 23 and you need to be fit. Who wants to go the gym after work? No one! (aside from those really fit ones) You go home from work, tired and you just wanted to rest yourself and your brain. That’s basically my routine every day! Be Fappy (Fat and Happy) but stay healthy though.

8. Sleeping 8 hours every night.21eaa-11

We don’t sleep. We cannot sleep 8 hours unless it is a holiday or a day off but we never tend to sleep that long because there are errands to do during free days as well. Sleeping 4-6 hours is enough to tame our crazy moods not to explode the whole day. We were never free and that’s the reason why we must reread item no. 4 and realize that in order to get a life we need sleep.

9. Getting your Master’s degree.giphy14

You are 23-26, critical age for getting another degree because there are so many factors to consider; money, time and willingness. You might even convince yourself that you need to have another degree to fulfill all the struggles you are facing but then again, you have no money (you cannot ask money from your parents again), you have no time (you cannot make your work a part time and if you study at night, both of your work and school will suffer. You’ll get tired eventually.)

10. Lastly, You just can’t get all the shits done.8560ef20-c768-0132-4597-0ebc4eccb42f

Tell me about it! You are stressing yourself trying to think about items no. 1 to no. 9 and you realize that all of these are your problems and yeah, you never finished anything at all. Okay fine this is very stereotype but can you just not agree with me especially when you are 23 and confused with whatever is happening with your life? Yeah, goodluck when you are 26 and never did something about it.

Don’t wait until you reach 26, better start now or regret forever. Your fate is in your hands!

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