To The Girl Who Deserves Better

You don’t need to tie your hair up or go to the salon just to make a guy notice you. You deserve someone who will see your beauty even with a messy hair and a ruined mascara or even with nothing painted on your face.
You deserve a guy who texts you everyday even if he’s busy just to check up on you or just to wish you a good day. You don’t have to wait for his reply because he will send you one right away.
You need to find someone who kisses your hand on the first date; Princes kiss the knuckles of their other halves as a sign of respect and adoration. You deserve someone who treats you like a princess.
Stop asking for more; because whenever you do, that only means he doesn’t give you enough of what you deserve. You should be with a guy who can actually be your shoulder to cry on or someone who can actually wipe your tears away from your eyes.
Stop saying sorry for being too clingy or too needy because the real problem is that he is too overwhelmed with so much love that he gets irritated by just the thought of having it.
Don’t ask him if he’s asleep, you deserve someone who enjoys late night conversations with you. You need a guy who will runs his fingers to your hair and tucks om the back of your ear just to wipe away the hair on your face while you talk. You need someone who can actually enjoy your company even if you are boring or not in the mood, it’ll be bonus if he knows how to settle your craziness.
Never ever find a guy who is too lazy to drive to you; find someone who is eager to see you more than you are to see him, that guy who will drive 30 minutes even if he just got out of work and he’s too tired.
You deserve a guy who understands you even if you’re acting strangely. You don’t need someone who gets mad at you when you act like a child because you have your own decisions. You don’t need to be dictated because you are not a robot.
Don’t you ever fall in love with someone who uses sugar-coated lies and who flirts with other girls; you deserve someone loyal.
Don’t cry over someone who calls you stupid and crazy whenever you are getting mad; you deserve someone who says sorry and who is brave enough to admit his mistakes.
You never learned in school and at home just for a guy to treat you lesser of what you actually deserve. A guy should know how to respect you and make you feel your importance all the time.
Don’t settle for someone you think your friends and parents will like; settle for someone who will make you smile every day, think of yourself in a positive way and someone who will never compare you to anyone.
We may have found the man we think is the right one but the real deal is, God had planned us for the things we deserve, never settle for less.


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