10 Signs That You Need To Quit Your Job ASAP!

1. When you feel you’ve been in the company long enough to realize that you deserve better. enmtql3
How much is your salary when you started? How much is your salary now? Oh and there comes this damn newbie who doesn’t have any knowledge about the field and yet he earns 10 times your salary. You deserve more than he is getting, so why not resign and let the company suffer from a newbie-syndrome(they need to train him like gladiator for him to master what you know). Other companies might appreciate your abilities if you just applied somewhere else.

2. When your favorite boss is not your boss anymore.giphy
Yes, bitches. It’s not favoritism but the new boss don’t know you. He will never notice you and your needs just like that previous boss you had. Plus, he would most likely give you more loads because he doesn’t know what you do. Don’t worry, you are not alone, your colleagues think of the same thing.

3. When everyone is getting promoted except YOU.giphy-1
Wow! Whatever you did during the race, it is unfair. That lazy office mate you know is now your senior or maybe your effin supervisor. What did you do when they raffled that position? If you think you deserve higher position more than anyone else because everyone else is fucking lazy, then sign that resignation letter!

4. When you go overtime WITHOUT PAY!67220-white-collar-yes-sir1
Who the fuck does that? Hey, you are not a machine. You are already working 9 hours a day and yet you accept this overtime tasks and go home midnight. You have the right to say no except when a nutjob HOD asks you to work on something because it’s urgent. Fucking urgent! this is the reason why you need to quit that damn job!

5. When everyone scares you that the guest is fucking VIP! 57th-grammy-awards-memes-and-gifs_1423500726
VIP = HUMAN not VIP = GOD, so you don’t need to fear em all, bae! Everyone thinks they are all VIP. Wow! just wow! You don’t have 8 hideous arms to work on 10 urgent at a time. This people needs you. Eventually they will need to wait if they want that thing they are asking you to do. One tip for VIPs: MIDDLE FINGER biatch! They should learn to wait.

6. When a filthy-mouthed client scares you that he is a friend of the owner or your boss.raw.gif
So what if he is a God Damn friend or relative. You should know that you shouldn’t be emotionally abused. Your brain shouldn’t be eaten by these Zombies! There a lot of jobs out there that don’t have this kind of people! You just fell at the wrong office that’s why.

7. When you don’t know why you wake up and go to the office every-single-fucking-day!Whenever-she-shows-off-her-knack-metaphor.gif
Your friends are there on the other side of the country, playing beer pong and swimming on the ocean or maybe they are having their best time of their lives while you are here sitting on your chair with all the pending and crappy office works. You need to find a job where it won’t feel like a job at all. Quitting a stressful job is like pulling out a thorn in your heart. Aside from having no problems at work anymore, you will not see the things that you hate there anymore!

8. When there’s a new person complaining about you and your colleagues.

Lemme get you an example like someone who just joined the company and in a higher position (but not higher capacity of brain compare to you) complained that you act very wrongly (like laughing and chatting) and you just don’t do your job. How many years are you working in the company compare to those newbie? And to think that this is the first time that someone complained about you.
Now, it’s not healthy to be with the company who wants their employees to act like a robot and don’t express any emotions at all. You are working, facing the computer for hours and you cannot at least laugh for a minute to ease the tension inside you? Fuck em, get that resignation letter! Apply in GOOGLE they offer better workplace there. They don’t complain people who want to take a rest.

9. When your job is keeping you from doing your personal stuffs.giphy-3
You missed too many seasons of Walking Dead, The Game of Thrones and The Flash because of your OTs. You haven’t called home and check up on your parents and they are asking you to call them every week. You drop your language classes because you have no time to have a skype session with your tutor. You missed your date (or should I say dates) because you are still at the office at 9pm and you cannot just go. You just don’t know your own life anymore that you don’t even know when did you last monitored your gym classes and other things. Quit your job, it will cause you heart attack.

10. When your job is giving you nothing but an empty bank account.nofuture
Your salary is way off than anyone else. You cannot save because you need to pay bills and stuffs. They don’t increase your salary because of your nationality (that’s a little racist but I’ve been there) They don’t appreciate whatever you do. You don’t even give you the luxury of working in the company (e.g. freebies.)
You need a job that pays you for your hard work. You cannot live with a thin wallet all of your life. You need to save for yourself and your family. Don’t settle with a company that makes you feel you are worse than anyone else.

One big tip: Make sure you like your next job after quitting that current one you’re in. Find a job that will make you feel that it is not a job at all and if you do, you will never have to work for all your life anymore.giphy (2).gif

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