Aquaman: A moview.

Arthur Curry: I’m not a king. 
Mera: Atlantis has always had a king. Now it needs something more.
Arthur Curry: But what could be greater than a king?
Mera: A hero.

Another DC Movie installment has gone far and this time, it’s in the deep blue sea. Oh well, like my usual review, close your eyes, if you haven’t seen the movie, ‘coz I’m about to unleash tons of fishy revelations in and out of the surface.

Please read at your own risk…

So who is Aquaman? He is one of the superheroes in the DC Universe. He is the son of a human and the queen of Atlantis. Just like any other drama-based superhero movies, Arthur (Aquaman) was left by his mother to be saved from the cruel people of Atlantis. However, Orm (Arthur’s half-brother, from Atlantis) considered Arthur to be the reason why they both lost their mother.
With the help of Vulko, a royal counselor, Arthur learned everything that he needs to know about Atlantis and his mother.
On the other hand, the Atlanteans are trying to save their territory, lead by Orm, however the power-hungry brother of Arthur not only wants to save and rule his place but also wants to put misery on the surface.
Orm and his squads planned to destroy and conquer the surface, but a princess from Atlantis (Mera) convinced Arthur to help his people and her people at the same time.
WIthout any idea of whatever is happening, Arthur went to Atlantis to challenge his brother but he was defeated. Mera and Arthur decided to make a blind journey in finding a myth that hasn’t been proven real through out their existence to prevent the disaster that is about to happen.
In the end, Arthur not only found what they have been looking for but also the one answer of his entire existence. Orm was defeated and the war against the surface never met the day. 
Let’s start with the casts.
To tell you the truth, the casting of Aquaman is just so perfect that they could even pull another sequel all by themselves.
Jason Momoa as Aquaman, half breed. Who doesn’t love him? I mean like, (me shouting beside you) He is so hot and definitely perfect for the character. Jason portrayed the character as how it was supposed to be portrayed. I also loved how they incorporate the costume of Aquaman similar to what he is wearing in the DC Comics. 
Jason was known for his role in Game of Thrones and now, Jason is well known for his magnetic heartthrob look. He is married, I know but a girl’s gotta dream, yeah?
Amber Heard as Mera. Let’s take a deep breath and appreciate her. I saw her act first in the horror film, The Ward, which was definitely my favorite movie of all. Amber is just so gorgeous as a redhead as much as she is blonde. I find it difficult to think of her as Mera because she keeps on reminding me of Poison Ivy and Little Mermaid (like she’s in the ocean and yes, why not.)
Nicole Kidman as Atlanna, mother of Arthur/Aquaman. She doesn’t age at all! I’ve loved how they made her a warrior mom in this story. She fits the looks of a queen and a warrior at the same time. I mean, there’s no way someone will be playing Atlanna better than her.
Willem Dafoe as Vulko. More like Professor Osborn!!! Like hell-o! Yes, people! He is Norman Osborn from Spiderman movie. I love how familiar his face is and his acting never changed, literally convincing. He literally looks like how I’ve ever imagined his character be.
Patrick Wilson as Ocean Master/Orm. Conjuring? Yes, this time he is back as the bad guy. Not sure if I was convinced with his acting because I always see him as this exorcist from the conjuring movie. But all is great.
And shout out to Michael Beach who played as Jesse Kane. Well, he looked so much like Steve Harvey. hahaha! I know! Like, I just watched Miss Universe when I saw the movie and hell, I was laughing so hard. Kudos!
I’m amazed how they managed to make the whole movie interesting. They didn’t start from child to adult plot, which was good. They used flashbacks and the intervals are just so cool. (I’m entirely speechless)
I love the twists and how they made more realistic- I’m walking about how they include in the movie a simple message as ‘clean our oceans or they will fight back’. The film is an eye opener, not only for those who are destroying the oceans but also for all the people, even those who are living in the city. If the nature hits us bad, it will hurt so much. 
The movie has given us the idea how nature will come back to us someday. Everything that we do to the world will be done to us someday.
My favorite part of the film is the love story of Aquaman’s parents and how they met again in the end. I mean, who doesn’t love dramas like that? It teaches us so many lessons, true love is something you don’t easily let go over time.
Mera and Arthur’s kiss, goddamn, goddamn…. I mean, the underwater kiss is like, ahem! It’s the same as the ones in the comics (If someone saw that already.)
However, the story didn’t focus on them which was not in my favor. I’ve always wanted that hero-love story but in any ways possible, I love how they inserted some cute scenes in the film.
The whole movie was as if a book telling myths and other legendary stories and it’s like everything has its own connections. 
Although, all reviews cannot be so meany about spoiling so, I won’t.
I’d give this movie my approval, not only because i’m such a DC Universe fan but I really loved how they made the movie better than any of all the past DC Movies. I’m looking forward on getting the installment for The Flash too.
Sure, this movie gets 95% wonderroanne rating!
Well, aren’t you curious now? Watch it until it’s still playing in the big screen!

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