Us Movie: Doppelgangers Unleashed (A Moview)

“They look exactly like us. They think like us. They know where we are. We need to move and keep moving. They won’t stop until they kill us… or we kill them.” – Adelaide Wilson

From the director of the “genre conflict” movie Get Out, Jordan Peele, another mind bugging movie has been released on March 21, Thursday in all the cinemas.

Played by some of the best stars in Hollywood, Lupita Nyong’o, Winston Duke, Elisabeth Moss, and Tim Heidecker. Many people, including myself, has been so eager to have another thrilling movie from Jordan Peele and this time, he made it more exciting. Us is very different from the movie Get Out but entails the same suspense.

The movie is as much as scary as the Get Out but in a cringe-kind of way. This time, Jordan Peele, had given us a full-on horror film that didn’t disappoint. All the scenes are mysterious and the whole film is mind-bugging.

The story focuses on the experience of Adelaide Wilson (played by Lupita Nyong’o) when she was a little girl. The mystery in her life started after she was trapped in a fun house full of mirrors. She saw her doppelganger in the mirror and was found by her parents later in awe of what happened and not being able to speak up. She grew up having flashes of the past and being scared of coming to the beach because of the trauma she experienced when she was a kid.

Amidst the suffering, Adelaide kept everything to herself even until she’s grown up and having a family of her own.

One summer, the whole family decided to go for a vacation. Adelaide started to feel the nostalgia as she gets near to Santa Cruz beach. With her husband being a cool dad, they decided to go to the beach. Adelaide, even with second thoughts, decided to go with the plan. They met the Tylers which resides on the other side of the lake house. While enjoying the beach, Jason, Adelaide’s son went to the restroom. He then saw a mad man whom Adelaide have seen when she was a kid as well.

Later in the night, the terror grows when Gabe (played by Winston Duke), Adelaide’s husband noticed a family standing in front of their house. For a moment, they thought they’re just creepy neighbours but when they saw their faces, boy, they all look like them. They are their doppelgangers; led by Red (Adelaide’s doppelganger) the attack of doppelgangers happened on the same night.

With Adelaide’s family being helpless, they tried to go to the Tyler’s only to discover that they were late and the Tylers’ doppelgangers have killed them already.

Adelaide and her family managed to save themselves however, the whole city was affected by the attack and with no one left aside from their family, Adelaide decided to face Red after Red captured Jason.

Adelaide entered the funhouse once again after all those years.

Upon feeling Adelaide inside the room, Red, explained how the attacked was planned years ago and how she discovered the existence of the people above as normal people and them as shadows. With determination to save her family, Adelaide killed Red.

However, the plot goes like a maze when Adelaide’s memory of the past was shown. Adelaide is never herself, and Red is the real Adelaide. You may also see in the movie that the two have connected with the whistle in the tune of the Itsy Bitsy Spider. and when Adelaide killed Red, it’s the last thing they both did together. I told you, it’s confusing but hell good.

When Red was inside the fun house when she was a kid, she was kidnapped by her doppelganger, and her doppelganger replaced her only to live the life as Adelaide. For years, Red planned the attack only to save herself and free herself from the world underground. However, the doppelganger managed to create a life under Adelaide’s existence.

Adelaide’s(doppelganger) memories kept on flashing back; the memories on how she was able to held Red captive and how she spend catching and adapting with the real world.

At the end of the movie, Adelaide and her son, Jason smiled at each other, now that’s a sign that Jason knows everything but just kept to himself. Well, at least for now.

After watching the movie, I have gone mad, like crazy mad. I was like, ‘The fuck is that?’ So who is the victim here? Is it Red the one who was kept captive of Adelaide who stole someone’s identity? Did you see the long line made by the Tethered (the doppelgangers wearing red), what will it do? Could there be another movie continuing the story of Adelaide and her family? I really wanted to have a closure regarding this movie.

The movie is as creepy as Get Out but Us is more mysterious, dang! leaves all movie watchers hanging! This deserves 83% wonderroanne rating.

P.S. The twins in the movie, Cali and Noelle Sheldon, they’re the twins who played as Emma (Rachel and Ross’s daughter) in FRIENDS. Cool yeah?

Jordan Peele, please make another movie soon!!

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