Shazam: Say My Name (A Moview)

The Wizard: Say my name so that my powers may flow through you.
Billy Batson: But I don’t know your name, sir.
The Wizard: Shazam.
Billy Batson: [laughing] Are you for real?
The Wizard: Say it!
Billy Batson: Okay! Shazam?

Disclaimer: This Moview consists of scenes that are part of the movie and stories that can spoil the whole thing. Please read at your own risk. Well, c’mon, it’s good, so read it!

Aside from the release of Captain Marvel from Marvel Studios, here it comes another ‘Captain Marvel’ (Comics speaking) from the DC Universe. Yes, Shazam was supposed to be the Captain Marvel of the DC Universe but since there’s a possible legal issues with Marvel Comics, they dropped the idea and published him as Shazam instead.

Well, if you asked those comic fans, you’ll know some major changes that the movie had compare to the original one and I think it is just right on every DCU Movies, Continue reading “Shazam: Say My Name (A Moview)”