Avengers: The Endgame (Whatever It Takes, Spoiler-Free Review)

“If we can’t protect the earth, you can be damned sure we’ll avenge it.” -Tony Stark, Avengers.

Note: No spoilers from the movie were spilled in this review. We respect, Stan.

Who would’ve known that from the very first entry of Iron Man last 2008, the MCU will grow and will relive comic heroes from Marvel Comics for the last 10 years? I’m so sure Stan Lee, was able to calculate that somehow.

This April 24, Marvel Studios has released the last instalment of the Avengers. From Iron Man to Infinity War, we were there and we saw how it grew up from 21 films for 10 years, which definitely no any other rival was able to break record, not even the DC Comics.

The comic-inspired film collections were actually part of the history now, from the day Robert Downey Jr. suited up, until Brie Larson geared for Captain Marvel, the MCU-film entries were gaining so many reviews and comments among readers and viewers. The storyline was as if it is actually created to resemble the comics.

If you were a big fan of the Marvel Cinematic Universe, you may not want to miss any movies or instalment made for this series. From Iron Man Movie to Defenders TV Series in Netflix, Marvel has connected the stories smoothly as if it was a 10 year plan brought to life.

Ever since they released the Infinity war, many questions were asked, who really died and vanished or will they come back? The Avengers is a major-crossover for the whole MCU and I believe whatever the comics has, it was justified by the movie entries.

Every instalment didn’t disappoint at all. It gained good reviews and good amount of money during the worldwide premiere. All the stories in the MCU Movies were actually skilfully executed. It’s like you never imagined something to be connected in each of every bit of sequel.

The Endgame is a fresh voice from the MCU, it marks the end of a series which was divided into 22 movies and different TV Series that’s why it’s no doubt the best series amongst superhero movies.

It’s so amazing that the directors of The Endgame (Joe and Anthony Russo) were able to bring life to what I call “The Spectacular way to the End”. I admit that I wasn’t happy about the Infinity War last time because I felt like it was made to confuse the viewers on how the series will take but boy, I just discovered why.

The movie is just so marvellous and I cannot even contain myself. I was lucky enough to watch the Premiere and, boy, I was stunned.

To all those who wants to understand the whole MCU before even diving to the Endgame, here’s the list of the movies you need to watch;

The MCU in chronological order:

  1. Captain America: The First Avenger
  2. Captain Marvel
  3. Iron Man
  4. Iron Man 2
  5. The Incredible Hulk
  6. Thor
  7. Avengers
  8. Iron Man 3
  9. Thor: The Dark World
  10. Captain America: The Winter Soldier
  11. Guardians of the Galaxy
  12. Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2
  13. Avengers: Age of Ultron
  14. Ant-Man
  15. Captain America: Civil War
  16. Black Panther
  17. Spider-Man: Homecoming
  18. Doctor Strange
  19. Thor: Ragnarok
  20. Avengers: Infinity War
  21. Ant-Man and the Wasp
  22. Avengers: The Endgame

The Endgame will be the last instalment for this longest running movie series of Marvel Studios and to all those who haven’t watched it, please go to your nearest cinemas and sit your ass up for 3 hours and enjoy the ride.

We’ll see each other on my next review. I will be having the full review of the Endgame from point to point after three weeks. We shall respect the request of our heroes to keep our mouth shut until everyone will be able to watch the movie.

For now, The Endgame deserves that 93% wonderroanne rating!

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