What’s Next For MCU: An analysis

Thanos: I am inevitable.

Tony Stark: I am…. I am Iron Man.

Last April, the final entry for the sequel after 11 years was released-The Avengers: End Game-and everyone is making a fuss about how it ended and how it broke records on its release date aside from it’s record breaking views within 24 hours of the trailer’s release. The ticket pre-sales also went up to 120 million dollars and the fastest film to hit 100 million dollars in the BOX Office and with 160 million dollars during it’s first day, this movie has hit all the records in the film industry known.

With good reviews from top movie review sites, MCU hits the jackpot better than they did during the Infinity War.

So after all these big stuffs, what did the Endgame really brought to the viewers? Do we have a sequel or another series for the MCU or that was the complete end of the 11 year run story?

Well, this part two of my Endgame review will answer all those questions, so if you want to know what’s next for the MCU, then continue reading… Continue reading “What’s Next For MCU: An analysis”