Fast & Furious: Hobbs & Shaw (A Moview)

‘There is more wisdom in your body than in your deepest philosophies.’ – Luke Hobbs (Hobbs & Shaw)

The Fast & Furious just released a new movie and it’s about Luke Hobbs played by Dwayne Johnson and Deckard Shaw played by Jason Statham. This entry is a little different from the rest of the previous F&F movies ‘coz Vin Diesel is not in the movie, well, obviously it focuses on two characters.

The movie starts with Hattie Shaw, a MI6 agent and Shaw’s sister played by Vanessa Kirby, stealing a deadly virus. With the stolen virus, she is being searched by technology-enhanced Brixton played by Idris Elba and his team. Brixton is however the strongest man at the moment as he can shield everything, thanks to his cyber-enhanced body.


With CIA, teaming up with Hobbs and Shaw, they didn’t know what exactly they are in for until they discover that Deckard Shaw’s sister is involved and is actually in danger for stealing the virus but not just stealing, she injected the virus to herself which she needs to withdraw as soon as possible.

With no options, Luke decided to seek help from his family in Samoa to fix the machine which can help withdraw the virus, a family which he abandoned long time ago. When Luke was able to convinced his brother, Jonah, played by Cliff Curtis, to help them fix the machine, they also seek help to defeat the team of Brixton and himself.


They were able to seek revenge and was able to get the virus out of Hattie’s system on time. And at the end of the movie, Brixton’s AI gifts were taken back from him and the mystery is if there will be a next movie for the story. Plus, I think the Shaw family will get a reunion soon.

Yes, I know, the movie is just as good as the previous Fast and Furious movies but, is it really?

Well, here’s what I think about the movie;

  • The movie is ‘great’ and the story line is way pass my imagination. But I don’t like how it was piled up as a movie. I mean, if you consider the previous sequels, this one is mainly different because of the Artificial Intelligence they actually include in the movie. I’ve known F&F because of their stories about gambling, race, syndicates and other normal clashes that we see in the news every day. With the AI getting involved? It’s a bit much.
  • A Fast and Furious with no Vin Diesel, this is the second time that the All-time Favourite movie franchise has chosen not to include its main characters in a sequel. Last one I remember was Fast and Furious: Tokyo Drift and now Hobbs and Shaw. I guess the producers have thought about diverting the story and making a new story to let the viewers know more about the other characters of the franchise. I think this is somehow brilliant.


  • I like how the movie started from Hobbs and Shaw hunting a lady, who turned out to be Shaw’s sister. I was amazed how the film has given a glimpse of how really different the duo was. The split screen thing showing their differences, just hilarious.
  • Luke and Hattie, I know! From the time they meet, I knew something is good to happen and the question is, will Deckard Shaw, the brother, will like it? Maybe on the next film?
  • Idris Elba as the Black Superman, no words for that, I just like to say Black superman coz that’s what he is in the movie.
  • Ryan Reynolds’ cameo. Who doesn’t like to see deadpool humor every day? I love how it became comic when Ryan Reynolds asked Luke to join their mission and yes, now, Luke and him are considered friends. Luke being the not-so-friendly neighbourhood of CIA, well, it’s interesting.
  • I love the airport part where Shaw purposely made up a name for Luke in his fake passport, Mike Oxmaul. Yes, guys! So funny, made me crack so many times.
  • Family. We all know that Fast & Furious mainly focuses on how important family is and I bet you, they didn’t fail to do that in this sequel. When Luke Hobbs seek hep from his family, bet you, I felt like I was watching Disney’s Moana.


  • The war dance, Samoan traditional war dance was performed in the movie as well. Dwayne Johnson, as a Samoan himself, putting his culture and tradition in the movie just feels right.
  • Speaking of Family, Shaw family might gonna have a reunion soon coz at the post credit scenes, Hattie and Deckard visited their mother Queenie with a cake.
  • Going old school. In this time when people are technology-dependent already, it’s so hard to go back to having no internet, no phones, no social media, no everything. In the movie, they showed how hand-made weapons can still defeat technology and that moment is priceless. Technology can  fail you but the spears of your ancestors won’t.

The movie will open your eyes into different plot and will enlighten you about culture embracing and yes, the movie will teach you so many lessons about family, friendship and ancestry.

For those who haven’t watched the movie, hey, I’m giving this 85% wonderroanne rating!

Enjoy watching!

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