The Gemini Man: A Moview

When I saw him, it was like I was seeing a ghost. Like every trigger I’ve ever pulled.

Another Will Smith movie has been released last month and yes, sorry for reviewing it late as I was travelling and didn’t have time to open my laptop but hey, we still doing the review anyway.

The Synopsis

Will is playing as an elite assassin, Henry Brogan who’s about to retire after his 72nd kill; but right after his mission, a mysterious operative is targeting him and trying to kill him. The only lead he knows is that the enemy is one step ahead of them every time.

Later on, Henry, into his shock, he discovered that the one who is trying to kill him is a cloned version of him: younger, faster compared to his 51-year-old body.

But Henry was able to convinced Junior (his clone) to retaliate and stop the cloning once and for all. The trick Junior’s creator and was able to defeat him together.

The Review

I’ve seen Will Smith movies and to tell you the truth, they don’t age like wine. As he gets older, he gets not so cool roles, although I should say the whole cloning thing is pretty awesome, however the whole story doesn’t add up. I guess the movie plot was a little short and it doesn’t have substance. Okay, you were cloned, but what’s more to it?

Well, one thing I like the most is the effects; I’m amazed how they managed to transform Will into his younger version. Although the last part gave them away coz the younger version got more animated than the previous scenes.

I was looking for more, it was lacking something which I can’t explain. I hope next time they make a movie like this but with more substance.

All in all, I enjoyed the movie, especially it’s an action-thriller and it’s Will Smith, ladies and gents.

I would give this movie a 75% wonderroanne rating.

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