Doctor Sleep: A Moview

“The good thing about being old, is you don’t have to worry about dying young.” ― Stephen King, Doctor Sleep

Following up from the 1980 Movie Adaptation of Stephen King’s The Shining, comes another adaptation form one of the magnum opus of the same writer; Famous director Mike Flanagan (Who is also known for his work, The Haunted Hill House) has yet again amazed the world with another adaptation from the library of Stephen, The Doctor Sleep; it’s the sequel for the book The Shining (1970) which was published late 2013.

The movie is all about the life of Dan Torrance, played by Ewan McGregor, after he fled with his mother from the Overlook Hotel where his father, Jack Torrance, attacked them, wanting to kill them, which was elaborated on the first book; The Shining.

The story of Doctor Sleep actually revolves on the time where Dan is an adult already. It focuses on the cult, True Knot, Continue reading “Doctor Sleep: A Moview”

Maleficent: Mistress of Evil (A Moview)

 “Love doesn’t always end well, Beastie.” – Maleficent

Despite My absence from my blog, I wanted to give you a brief review of the recent moves that I watched while I was out of the country and of course, I missed three latest movies of November, so I will be needing a catch up marathon in the weekend.

So let’s get the writing going and we’ll start with Maleficent’s second chapter.

We all know what happened to the first sequel of Maleficent. The usual tale of Sleeping Beauty and how fairies gave her gifts and how Maleficent cursed her when she was still a baby; however the turning point of the story is that Maleficent has grown feelings for the baby girl she cursed and Continue reading “Maleficent: Mistress of Evil (A Moview)”