Harley Quinn: Birds of Prey – (Comic Comparison)

“Now that I’ve cut ties with Mr. J, I’m about to learn that a lot of people want me dead.”- Harley Quinn

From its $81 Million box office, directed by Cathy Chan, another Harley Quin story is out. Following after her break up with Mr. J (The Joker), Harley is now open for business. Trying to live out of the shadows, Harley wants to start and make her name on top again.

With her creative stunts that called out all the possible haters, Harley started by removing all her connections to Mr. J and with the news out in the open, many people are now on the run on killing her.

Her connections with the Black Mask, played by Ewan McGregor, she entered a deal she cannot run away from. While in a mission, she met a young theft named Cassandra who happens to have stolen Black Mask’s precious belonging. And a trail of connected stories, while she is running after the young girl, they met Renee Montoya, played by Rosie Perez, a underrated cop whose job is to clean up simple mess and not given a limelight in the precinct. Rosie has a connection with the Dinah Lance or Black Canary played by Jurnee Smollett-Bell and Dinah knows Cassandra Cain and she was the one who tip off that Harley kidnapped Cassandra in exchange for a deal with the Black Mask, while they are after for one person, they met Helena Bertinelli or The Huntress played by Mary Elizabeth Winstead who happens to be in the search for one person who were amongst the people who killed his family and that was Victor Zsasz played by Chris Messina, he is one of the Black Mask’s goons, or should I say personal assistant so you see, the story is just clinging in one circle right here.

The Verdict

DC Films is now creating movies that are actually making sense. I know they have a lot to practice on to reach the Marvel but creating good movies like The Joker, Aquaman, Suicide Squad which they are actually tying the story bits by bits by creating some kind of connection is actually a good sign.

Well, I don’t need to say something great about it because it was hella awesome. You see, I’m a DC fan and whenever I watch a DC movie, I always compare them to the comics that came before the movies and you got it, I have the most epic comparison ever for this movie. Compared to the comics, the story was actually shuffled and information were shadowed a bit.

I will tell you some of them: (Message me if I wrote something wrong, well, just a disclaimer.)

  • The Birds of Prey is actually focused on The Huntress and Black Canary. They are the real vigilante when Batman wasn’t around.
  • Harley was never sent away as a child. She actually lived with her criminal father until she decided to move out.
  • Dinah became vigilante because of her mom’s death but in the movie, it didn’t show her enthusiasm about any of it.
  • In any story, even in comics, no one have told where did the Black Canary came from, or a specific cause how she got her abilities.
  • The Huntress actually grew up with her cousins until she was haunted by the murder of her family and became a vigilante to seek revenge.
  • Harley Quinn’s costume is not the Harley Quinn we know and I think, for me, it’s kind making the movie off of it’s actual sense. I wanted to see the Harley wearing red and black costume of hers.
  • There’s more about the Canary, her life, how she became who she was…there’s a story right there, and I look forward on getting an entry for her story as a sequel for the DC Series.
  • Cassandra Cain, well, not everyone knows that Cassandra is a former assassin, who was trained by her father. She doesn’t speak. She wasn’t taught on how to speak, instead, she analyses things through body language and movements.
  • Cassandra was also Ra’s Al Ghul’s bodyguard and yah know it, she is later on known as Batgirl. There’s more interesting story about her in the comics compare to the movie.

These are only some of the main points I saw while watching the movie but all in all, the movie gave me an entire satisfaction. Plus, girl power!

All in all, I give this movie a 90% wonderroanne rating.



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