Getting The Whole World To Pause

We are in the middle of a crisis and everyone is suffering; from huge to small businesses and individuals, this Covid-19 has made the world stop. Who would’ve known, the last party you hosted was your last for a very long time, the tight hugs you gave your parents you visited across the country, the last visit you did in Coachella, the last dinner with your friends, the last window shopping, those were some of the last moments you did before this PAUSE happened. Now, the world has gone into being close to social distancing (2 meters to be exact).

I call this THE MAJOR RESET. The way everyone was locked down, quarantined and held inside their homes to protect themselves, it’s quite alarming to go outside and take risk as they say. The roads are empty, the tourist spots are now as if abandoned, the public markets are doomed, and the world is like a ghost town.

Covid-19 has taught me of one thing, be grateful of the things you have right now coz some people have lesser than what you have. Some cannot even buy food every day now that they don’t have work. Laborers are not getting paid nor getting any food as they don’t have any savings. It’s so sad that the half of the world is not ready for this and I’m praying that this will end soon.

Many companies and small businesses are forced to lay off staffs and close down branches and offices as there’s no business at all. The world suddenly stop from doing everything outside. Everyone has gone staying in their homes scared to go out, well, there are some who are still in the loose and not even caring about the risk but right now, who are we to judge? The world has suddenly became an empty box.

Schools stopped, teachers are now trying to help their students thru online classes. I remember how some parents were not actually agreeing to home schooling before but now they are forced to home school their children. The restaurants stopped cooking, not all but majority and those who loved to eat outside are now preparing and cooking their own meals. Cinemas were closed, the movie industry stopped and we are stock at home watching Netflix and Youtube Videos that were uploaded years ago; All of a sudden, old movies are hit again. Parks and pools are closed, but families are now together inside their house playing and making TikTok. The world didn’t pause to stop you from living but the world pause to remind people that there’s something else in the world to see, the simplest lives we once lived is still there, the families we just call before are now spending the quarantine with us, the parents who are busy with work, now have their time to spend with their children. This paused is teaching us something else and it is not to be scared but to be grateful and positive.

The world is trying to open again and we must continue on taking precautionary measures; our new normal will be the 2 meter social distancing and the face mask. Soon, once the world has healed, we will be able to hug our friends, shake hands with our colleagues and visit our families all over the globe. Today, we must be positive and pray for the healing of the whole world.

I, wonderroanne, promising you the best movie reviews once everything has gone to normal and movies are released. For now, I shall give you some recommendations on how to enjoy your quarantine and what movies and TV shows to watch.

We heal as one!

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