Kissing Booth 2: A Moview (Spoiler Alert)

“When we kissed, there was something in there, but you’re not the one.”

Here we go again, booth kissers, another story was out. I guess, Beth Reekles just got us head over heels again this year and make us miss going out so much more.

Ayt! I’m gonna start with a little disclaimer, If anyone who haven’t watched the first installment of this movie, then please watch it. The story is based on the novels written by Beth Reekles, and you should try to hunt copies starting now! This moview is based on my feelings while I watch the movie, so there will be spoilers ahead.

Again, Read at your own risk…

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The World Began To Change

Soon, I will be going back to work but as it was expected, we aren’t sure about the business yet coz most of the business related to tourism is currently struggling.

I have been asked to go on leave with no pay since April 1st which was a bummer coz I needed money to pay bill…well actually, not only me, but everyone needs to pay the bills every month. It was a struggle on how to budget my remaining money on my account. I was thankful enough that I am living with some family members and they are supporting me on food and other necessities.

Staying at home with no paying job for 3 months has somehow changed my perception of the outside world. I saw how the world united and were divided as well because of the pandemic; I saw how the government where I was born has become the talk of the whole world. I also saw how my countrymen deal with just pressure given during this pandemic.

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