Movies & TV Series That You Need To Watch On Netflix

Most parts of the world is starting to embrace the new normal-the whole work from home and study from home thing-and Netflix has got your back by releasing new movies and TV Series.

Up until now, cinemas are not yet fully open and most films available were old ones. Yes, we enjoy the drive-in movies too but let’s admit that sitting inside your own home is way better.

So here are some movies and TV series that you need to check out on Netflix.

  1. #Alive – A korean zombie-apocalypse movie, starring Park Shin-hye and Yoo Ah-in. If you like watching gruesome zombie movies, then this one is for you. Guess what, it’s better than Kingdom even though Kingdom is already the best.

2. Lucifer – We all know who Lucifer Morningstar is and it’s time for you all to watch the 1st part of the 2 part last season entry for the TV Series. Lucifer is a story about the adventure of Lucifer in the human world while solving crimes with Detective Decker.

3. Feel The Beat – This is a story of a dancer who went back to her hometown after a major flunk on her career. She’s tasked to teach bunch of kids to dance. Well, little did she know, teaching the kids might be a way to learn something about herself too.

4. The Umbrella Academy 2 – Who can’t remember the story of the 7 adopted kids of Sir Reginald Hargreeves. These children possess extraordinary powers and each of them are different. They are chiselled to save the world in the future. On the second season, we will know more about each of their gifts and we might gonna understand V more, don’t you think?

5. It’s Okay Not To Be Okay – It’s a story of two individuals trying to heal themselves emotionally and mentally. It’s not your ordinary K drama. You may find it a little disturbing coz it tackles more a lot about mental problems and what an individual feels an what our mental health is moulding us. If you like a calm and at ease drama, this is for you.

6. The Sleepover – How about this movie where the kids discovers that their parents were abducted by some kind of professional thieves only to find out that their mother was one of them before? Well, this movie is not your ordinary spy action movie but the kids might enjoy this as it involves some funny action scenes that the kids might relate and also the kids at heart too.

7. Love Guaranteed – How about if you sue a company which promised you that you will find love when you sign up to their website? This is a movie about a man who is trying o get back to a dating site company whom he claims have scammed him by not finding any love after so many dates. Well, this one’s for those who are still trying to swipe left and right.

8. Desperados – What if you sent a wrong message to someone? What will be the cost you would pay just to get it deleted? Well, this one is a story about on woman who flew all the way to Mexico just t delete a message which she mistakenly sent to her boyfriend. With her friends, they are going for an extreme desperate measures just to fulfil a mission.

9. Spinning Out – This is a story about a figure skater who is trying get to Olympics while juggling her life, problems and all the things she has to face while stepping for her dreams.

10. Get Even – How about a mean girl like series? This one is for you. This is a story of four girls who tried to fight injustice by getting even. And you’ll never know what’s gonna happen if you fight the bad with the good. These girls are fighting back against their bullies.

There are more movies and TV Series that are really interesting and I think I will be posting more soon but for now, I will leave you with these few picks that I have. This might be the part one of many list.

Happy Watching!

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