Why Does Talking About SEX Makes You The Weird One?

“Masturbation is insanely amazing but the gift of giving orgasms and receiving orgasms from another human is invaluable.” ― Helen Edwards, Nothing Sexier Than Freedom

At 28, I’m never opposed to talk about sex, however, due to other circumstances, I was silenced and yet to advertise what I know and feel about it. I was never the angel kind of friend, I always have this evil stuck in me, waiting to be unleashed. I said evil yes, but it’s not the evil you are thinking about. I grew up thinking sex is a form of evil that was lying around tempting people, well, ask my religion about that. It’s never the religion, actually, it’s the people who is making it sounds so bad.

Considering we are in the 21st century, where women are already in the same level of men and sometimes exceeds society’s expectations too, I was wondering why Sex Education is still a topic for debate. I was from a country where teenage pregnancy

is a big issue and yet the government was never open on talking about it; they said it conflicts the bible etc… But I was thinking, being aware of what sleeping with opposite sex can cause is better than getting curious about it and trying it out and ending up making a mistake. Isn’t?

But that’s not why I’m writing this article…

This article is about how society see sex, how they react to it and how they think about it. I have wide range ages when it comes to friends. I got young, young adults, new adults and adult but their opinion when it comes to stuff about sex is actually divided by race, beliefs and personal experiences.

Sometimes, I feel like the world deserve to watch the Sex and the City to understand my point. In my circle of friends, I feel like I’m the only one who watched these series and the movies without reacting violently or weirdly about the sexual stuff. Like, you know Samantha Jones, isn’t?

How do your friends react when you talk about sex?

Sadly, I still have friends whom I call pa-inosente (pretending to be innocent) – They’re the ones who say the lines, “Kadiri naman yan.” (That’s nasty) , “Ang dumi ng utak mo.” (Your mind is so dirty.” so on and so forth… And most of the time I just think they’re too toxic to have conversation with when it comes to these kind of things, like you can’t even joke about something green when they’re around. They just kill the vibe.

I guess we need to choose whoever we talk to when it comes to certain topics like this but I am sure that everyone should be at least aware of it and won’t give bad judgments to those who are little liberated to talk about sex.

But you know, I proved…somehow, that some of these people are actually masking they’re real colours/opinions when it comes to sex; they pretend not to care but in reality they know so much more than you do.

How do race affects the stand on talking about sex?

I have friends from all over the world, and the ones who grew up in the West are the ones whom you can have a conversation with about sex without feeling you’re being judge just because you asked about it. They have sexual education while growing up.

I have Asian friends, 3/4s of them are still not that open on talking about sex even masturbation. Let’s say, we focused in my circle, my country; sexual education was proposed but was never implemented because they said it can get teenagers more curious about it. I’d say, they will be curious with or without the SE but with a little education about it give them a choice how they’ll understand the pros and cons.

How do religion and beliefs affect ones opinion about sex?

In all fairness, most of the religions are not promoting pre-marital sex; but that’s not what this article is about. This article is about how open someone to talk about sex and I believe religion also has an effect on how others react too.

It doesn’t matter what your religion is but I swear, all religions have done this at some point. Well, salute those who haven’t but you know, religious people can be a little judgy when you open your mouth and say the word sex. I believe it was also endorsed that Sex Education is a conflict on bible’s teachings; Well, we have different opinions about this. But just because you think sex is wrong doesn’t mean you think of someone talking about it makes him/her less of human than you are, coz it’s not. Sex is part of the science.

Does jokes and other stuffs that says sex okay?

Sex sells. That’s what my TV Production Professor once said and until now, I never have forgotten it, coz he was right. Commercials and other marketing modules use sex to make their campaign a little more catchy. Admit it, you’d rather watch a perfume commercial with a naked lady or man rather than just the perfume itself. Do you think Playboy Magazine who’d have gotten famous if they covered their models? Do you think GQ Magazine have gone leading the newsstands if they didn’t show off handsome men on their covers? Coz girls dig them, I swear. And how bout Cosmopolitan having to issue articles about sex? I bet you no one would’ve read it if they didn’t find that article about masturbation, female desires or some sort of… These are only samples of medium that can support the statement that sex really sells. Don’t get me starting with celebrities and musicians too, coz I can give you lots of examples.

Is the world ready for subjects about sex?

They need to. I believe there’s no such thing as being innocent about it. We need to be aware of what sex is and how does it works. Do you wanna talk about masturbation? Yes, I said masturbation, not everyone will admit they have done/they do this just because society says it’s not right but medically speaking, masturbation is normal. It can prevent diseases, relieves stress and makes you relax too.

Let’s focus on females, coz a male specie understands why they need this one but some females don’t and still feeling gross about it. You don’t need to have sex just to say you are liberated when it comes to sex. Being educated enough about doesn’t mean you have slept with all the guys you knew. and lastly, masturbating doesn’t make you a slut.

Masturbation on women can help them relax, a tension reliever I say. It can also help you with PMS. Feeling something down there is normal. You need to learn more about yourself especially down there. You need to understand your body and what it needs.

Orgasms are the most amazing thing that will happen in your life. They’re like your happy pill for your body.

You know why I say this? Coz I have friends who are actually telling me that masturbating is bad. If you still don’t understand, go back to my previous paragraphs. Masturbating is normal and it can also help you with those menstrual cramps.

How much do you want the society understand about sex?

Well, I won’t throw all the cards on the table all at once because this topic is too much to take in not to mention the other subjects that can be opened by just talking about sex. Like there are still topics about sexual partners, sexual positions, kinds of sex and etc…

This article just wanted to point out that talking about sex is normal and never a gross topic just like what other people think. There are still people who get uncomfortable talking bot it and I guess I cannot blame them but rather, I want to open they’re eyes that talking stuffs about sex can educate you and open your closed eyes on something the society has locked you to believe since you’re a kid.

I know many of my friends will raise their eyebrows and think of me differently, I don’t care. This is a stuff that I can talk about at 28 and it doesn’t change if I talked about this when I was 18 coz I realized, I’m too late to know so much things about the world and about sex coz the society taught me that talking about it is not allowed and rather you’ll get judged by it.

Don’t even get me started on using tampons and menstrual cups because I have lots of friends who still thinks tampons can pop your cherry. (That, my friends, is a result of not having a sex education, that’s only one of many.)

I guess being friends with so many conservatives are just too complicated sometimes especially when you want to educate or learn more stuff. The possibilities are limited and you have to choose whoever to have conversation with and which topic to open.

Don’t shame someone just because they’re too liberated.

You wanna talk about anything? Email me and we’ll talk about it. 😉

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