Wonder Woman 1984: A Moview

Alright, so I realized, since the pandemic happened, I haven’t been in a movie theatre for a very long time which means, I have missed so many movies to watch and I regret all of those moment although I won’t jeopardize my health and the major budgeting that I am doing right now to be able to live because of the tourism industry (where I’m working) suddenly fell but I believe it will soon rise.

Anyway, enough with the drama, after almost 11 months of not being able to go to the cinema houses, I was determined to go out and be in it for this one particular movie and I’m talking about “Wonder Woman 1984” which premiered last Dec 17. You all know how I love comic superheroes especially their movie adaptation and we both know that it’s obvious how much I adore Wonder Woman, well, I call myself Wonder Roanne for a reason…

After few mishaps with regards the release dates, they finally release it December. This movie is considered as the sequel of the first Wonder Woman movie directed by Patty Jenkins in 2017 which was about how Wonder Woman finally discovered the other world…the world where man are the superiors. Wonder Woman is actually focused on how Diana discovered that mankind is just never easy to define, too many choices and opinion, this resembles the world we are living now, it’s just that, comics have superheroes to keep the peace in every corner of the imaginary world.

So let’s begin the movie review because of course, as a DC Comics fan, I have a lot things to say about this latest entry for my most favourite DC Superhero, second is The Flash, BTW. 🙂

Same as what I always remind my readers, I may have to tell some slight spoilers in this review so for those who haven’t watch the movie yet, stop right here and watch it. Come back when you already laid your eyes on it.

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