Wonder Woman 1984: A Moview

Alright, so I realized, since the pandemic happened, I haven’t been in a movie theatre for a very long time which means, I have missed so many movies to watch and I regret all of those moment although I won’t jeopardize my health and the major budgeting that I am doing right now to be able to live because of the tourism industry (where I’m working) suddenly fell but I believe it will soon rise.

Anyway, enough with the drama, after almost 11 months of not being able to go to the cinema houses, I was determined to go out and be in it for this one particular movie and I’m talking about “Wonder Woman 1984” which premiered last Dec 17. You all know how I love comic superheroes especially their movie adaptation and we both know that it’s obvious how much I adore Wonder Woman, well, I call myself Wonder Roanne for a reason…

After few mishaps with regards the release dates, they finally release it December. This movie is considered as the sequel of the first Wonder Woman movie directed by Patty Jenkins in 2017 which was about how Wonder Woman finally discovered the other world…the world where man are the superiors. Wonder Woman is actually focused on how Diana discovered that mankind is just never easy to define, too many choices and opinion, this resembles the world we are living now, it’s just that, comics have superheroes to keep the peace in every corner of the imaginary world.

So let’s begin the movie review because of course, as a DC Comics fan, I have a lot things to say about this latest entry for my most favourite DC Superhero, second is The Flash, BTW. đŸ™‚

Same as what I always remind my readers, I may have to tell some slight spoilers in this review so for those who haven’t watch the movie yet, stop right here and watch it. Come back when you already laid your eyes on it.

The Synopsis & Insights

Wonder Woman 1984 is set to years passed since Steve Trevor played by Chris Pine died saving his own and Diana played by Gal Gadot has finally settled in Earth and was able to adapt to all that is normal in human’s eyes. She is also a part time life saver, trying to hide her identity by not being seen in public that much. In the film, Wonder Woman finally met two of the strongest arch-nemesis of the DC universe which were Maxwell Lord played by Pedro Pascal and Cheetah played by Kristen Wiig.

In the story also they finally introduced the Chaos Shard which is considered as the same as the Infinity Stones (from MCU). The Chaos Shard is a metaphysical crystal that is use to grant wishes of anyone that wishes in it for the first time. If you have read the comics, this gem was used to resurrect Damian Wayne, commonly known as Robin, the associate of Batman. Ra’s Al Ghul also used this gem to resurrect his own daughter Talia. All of these stories will be tackled in the next coming years if DCU will be continued until the Justice League: Generation Lost which is actually the equal of End Game (of MCU) but of the DC Universe. For those geeky when it comes to comics, you’ll understand what I’m saying.

The Characters & Comic Comparison

As I mentioned, in the latest WW84, we meet Maxwell Lord, if you are watching Super Girl, there was Maxwell Lord too, well, obviously the whole DCU is all connected. Maxwell, is however serves as the Thanos of the DC Universe. He was actually killed by Wonder Woman in the comics and was later on revived by the power of white light, which leads to the whole plot of Justice League: Generation Lost. This story revolves with the Justice League International (e.g. Captain Atom, Booster Gold, Jaime Reyes (the third Blue Beetle), Fire, Ice, and Rocket Red) The whole story went from characters got brainwashed and later on the dark almost got everyone but of course that’s not the end. You might want to wait for that soon coz I’m sure DC’s gonna make that possible for Justice League.

Another major character we meet is Cheetah. She is actually part of DC’s Extended universe and considered as one of Wonder Woman’s strongest enemies. Cheetah serves as the symbol of jealousy and insecurities of weak, or not so strong willed women. Before she even became Cheetah, she was Diana’s friend as Barbara. Although in the movie she still looks human but Cheetah literally looks like an animal in the comics. There are actually three Cheetahs in Wonder Woman’s plot, first was supposed to be Priscilla Rich, Deborah Domaine, and then comes Barbara Minerva. But let’s see, looks like we’re gonna be seeing more of them too, coz Wonder Woman is not complete without them all. But arguably, Barbara was the most famous of them all.

In the movie, Maxwell has something to do with Barbara’s transformation as cheetah, but in the comics, she actually did it to herself. She joined an African Blood ritual to become immortal but then this ceremony was for virgins which she was not at that time. So she was cursed, developing her appearance that resemble to an animal which is a Cheetah. She usually transforms on full moon as well.

Oh I didn’t forget about the Golden Armor of Wonder Woman which I will tell about when we reach the end credits at the last part of this article.

The Verdict

The movie was set in 1980s which was so adorable because the whole set was literally in the USA 1980s. I’m sure many of the people who watched it and were born in the 80s will relate. I like how Jenkins was able to give limelight to ‘woman power’ yet again. I love how it showed that females should be on the top of their game, be confident and brave. Obviously, Jenkins wanted us to know that…surely, that’s what Wonder Woman was created for even in comics.

Gal Gadot’s played such marvellous portrayal that I cannot even think about any other female actress who could give justice to the role. Well, as for Kristen Wiig, she is so sexy! I love the dress and the heels, she is the bomb when she finally wished to be like Diana.

The part where Steve Trevor resurrected, it was when I knew, yet again, the movie will teach the viewers of the importance of love and sacrifice. Diana had to just sacrifice back her happiness again just for humanity and that was so sad. I got little teary eyed but when a little giggly when Wonder Woman has finally mastered how to fly with the help of Steve’s memories of encouragement. What a nice way to build up the character again.

The movie was rather predictable because it’s a superhero movie, it’s always a happy ending; the hero still gets to save the day.

I would give this movie my 90% wonderroanne rating!

But wait, there’s more!

Let’s talk about the surprise POST-CREDIT SCENE

Before that , I would love to tell you a little background of the Golden Armor (that resembles to an eagle’s wings and head) worn by Wonder Woman during the last battle with Cheetah and Maxwell Lord. This Armor was made by the Amazonas to protect a particular warrior, they called, the Champion of Amazon, that was forced to sacrifice herself during a war with men.

In the comics, Wonder Woman was first scene with this suit in an issue of Elseworlds: Kingdom Come in which she helped the newly reformed Justice League fighting many new metahumans. The Armor is a symbol of war, together with the sword made by the god Hephaestus this Armor can even kill scratch Superman but that’s another story to tell.

So the Golden Eagle Armor was previously owned by Asteria which surprisingly, was played in the film, in the post-credit by none other than the lady who played Wonder Woman herself in 1975, LYNDA CARTER!!!!! Yes! You read it right! Looks like WW3 is coming and it’s going to be with Asteria! Like she said, “Been doing this all this time.”

Asteria was also the name of the metal bird with two heads which later on was discovered to be named after Asteria herself. You see, the whole thing was connected and I’m living for this action!!

Well, not much story to tell here aside from the ones that has clear connection with the movie, the rest, we’ll tackle them in the next movie review.

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