Swiped: New Normal Dating

Okay, in 2016, I wrote this blog post Modern Day Dating (just click that to read the 2016 article before scrolling through this post…Well, might give you a refresher.)

In 2021, in the middle of pandemic where no one can even travel a few miles away from home or dine out, are the ones in my previous list still holds their stand or do we have a new version of New Normal Dating?

During pandemic, dating apps were getting famous again; Tinder, Bumble & Hinge are actually saved on my phone (Not proud but….yes.) What really happens when you’re single during a pandemic? For what I have seen in the internet for the past few months, people (not only single ones) learned how to cook, bake, plant and even make soap & candles; but most of all, they did Tiktok (A video app that showcases musical, comedy acting and dancing talents) and since it was a lockdown situation all over the world ,any couples have tried doing the tiktok and showing the world how lonely singles are in their homes. Yes, you all deserve to hear that coz I know, you’ve been watching with envious eyes while they do sweet stuff in their videos.

So let’s go back to the real deal here, the million dollar question is…how can singles find love in the middle of the pandemic using the internet and other dating apps? I have listed some few points for the New Normal Dating;

Dating Apps are not yet an old news. Now that we have established that no one can interact in person, the new normal, well, we may refuse to believe it but yes, it still involves the very large pool of dating apps. Admit it or not, at some point, you or one of your friends or colleagues have engaged into having a dating app profile. Although you are not expected to flaunt it everywhere but during this new normal, it is easier for someone to swipe right than to go out and engaged with a eyeball or meet ups.

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