Fast & Furious 9: What’s there in the 9th?

All hail to one of the best action film series that was ever made in the history of films. In its 9th sequel, what more does the F&F entry has to offer? From the first movie till the last one that was filmed, we have seen most of the unimaginable, but is there really more? Haven’t we seen enough fancy cars and risk-taking action for the past movies? Is there really more to come?

With the new plot, bringing John Cena in the picture as Dominic’s brother (Vin’s character) will blood be really thicker than water or vice versa? Everyone who has seen the trailer must be excited. I am!

So characters will all be the same, that I can guarantee. I haven’t seen the movie yet even if it’s already showing today. (I opted to watch it later next week because I don’t want to go to crowded cinemas (which I assume will be because it’s F&F, for goodness sake, right?) For my desperate ass not to worry about being in public crowd, I’d rather watch it few days after the premiere. So here’s me, trying to keep you posted from what’s gonna be in my blog by this week. Plus, I can’t wait for Cruella too which is starred by Emma Stone.

Too many to watch and a lazy reviewer is trying her best to push her brain cells to work. ha!

Anyway, I’ll update this blog soon for my F9 review! And just like what I usually do, I will give you a honest review of the movie, blow by blow! For now, here’s the trailer!

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