The One Where They Met Again After 17 Years…

F.R.I.E.N.D.S – A popular sitcom that was aired from 1994 to 2004. I know that you know this show coz who doesn’t? This sitcom grew more popular ever since Netflix has published the whole seasons and episodes in their streaming app. I came to discover about American Sitcoms mostly when I as in college already (2009), The Frasier was one of them and FRIENDS was the second and the rest is history. I guess that made me love sitcoms more and more each year.

And after 17 years, the producers of the show decided that it’s time to make another history by making all FRIENDS Fans’ dream…a comeback. Well, not actually a comeback but a reunion where all the characters (Rachel, Monica, Phoebe, Ross, Joey and Chandler) get together and be in one TV Screen again.

The Reunion was released in HBO Max last May 27 and still streaming online. So for those who want to know the highlights of the Reunion episode, then you’re on the right website.

So let’s start with the reunion spirit…

What not to miss…

  1. Meeting the 6 characters again after 17 years – They didn’t change a bit! They might looked a little older but I promise you, Joey is still Joey (kinda bias in there coz I love Joey) And funny how this may sound but in this reunion, they were just there not as actors but the real life FRIENDS cast; like they just came right out of the screen to talk bout their lives.
  2. The trivia game that made Monica and Rachel lose their apartment to Joey and Chandler – Yes, they did it again and this time it was even more funnier coz after 17 years, that’s gonna measure how well they still remember the show.
  3. The FRIENDS set – Yes, they rebuild the whole FRIENDS set for this reunion including the same board that all the cast and crew signed on the same day they finished filming.
  4. The Bloopers – Yes they reviewed some of the unforgettable bloopers of FRIENDS including the one when Joey at the food that Ross spat already. It was really hilarious.
  5. The other characters – From Mr. Heckles to Mr. & Mrs. Geller, well that was definitely a reunion! Who would’ve thought we will still see Emma’s granpa and granma.
  6. The celebrities – I’m not completely ecstatic with this one coz I really don’t get the connection but yes, there were well known celebrities who did a guesting for the biggest reunion event of the year.

The verdict

I will not make this a very long verdict because I know everyone have watched it so my words won’t be a much of a help but The Reunion was the one that all of the fans was waiting for. Imagine FRIENDS being a hit up to this date even after the finale 17 years ago? It’s like reliving a history and celebrating it.

There’s not much to talk about here actually because I want you all to see it rather than read the surprises that was in store for you. This is the first time that I am not gonna giver any spoiler alerts but yeah. This deserves 90% wonderroanne rating.

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