Cruella: A Moview

This is entirely a new movie review but this is a classic. I love how villain-centred movies are getting into the limelight. Last year’s attempt was The Joker and other DC villains like Haley Quinn, and the others…and this year, it’s time to know the story behind the villain who hates black-spotted dogs, known as the 101 Dalmatians, or very well known as Cruella De Vil.

The movie Cruella spotted the cinemas last May 27 and still on going. It is starred by the ever so charming and effective actress Emma Stone and Emma Thompson; Two actress, same name and same remarkable impact in this film.

This is not the usual spoiler nor the usual review; I think I’m gonna hit the cracks by starting on telling you guys what I really think about this movie. We all know about the Dalmatians but we don’t know much about Cruella-well, aside from she’s some kind of freak who likes to skin Dalmatians to create coats. If this live action movie is derived from the real story who Cruella is, then I might say, it’s moving.

So let’s start with how they told Cruella’s story; but of course every story has a beginning and Cruella’s not different from any other

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