DEEP 2021 (A Moview)

Sleep when it’s deprived it’s dangerous and when it’s fulfilled right, it can make your waking life at ease. But can you really get something good out of not sleeping? Many people will say they can survive without sleep for 24hrs, other may have 48hrs but what do we really do for us to not sleep? I know, watching TV series can get you to a no sleep mark for at least 24hrs, school can keep you awake especially when it is exam days or maybe even hobbies like playing video games, reading books but how long can you really keep yourself awake without dozing off?

Well, a new Thai movie was release in Netflix recently and it’s all about sleep. Although this is not the first film which tackled sleep, dreams and other things, my favorite was Inception and yeah, that’s the one that made me interested about dreams and astral bodies and etc… yeah, I geek on that. So anyway, I would like to highlight this movie because

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Snake Eyes: G.I. Joe Origins (A Moview)

Have you ever played toys like Batman, Superman, Robin, and the G.I. Joe? Yeah those were like kiddie toys which I’ve known because I have two brothers and yeah, we grew up knowing at least what are those. Not a really big fan but I guess this is like making a comic book turn into life or Toy Story in the real world. but I believe these toys were made during the 1980s and stayed for more years. I remember there were also cartoons made for G.I. Joe.

So what do we know about the G.I. Joe? I know these action figures played by most boys during my time and even earlier. American franchise of toys by the toy company Hasbro, like dolls for boys well, also for girls, Scarlett, was definitely the favourite. Anyhow, just like how books and comics are getting film adaptations, actions figure apparently get the privilege too. There were three movies made before this latest one; The G.I. Joe: Rise of the Cobra,

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The Last Letter From Your Lover (A Moview)

“It never ended. Even though she’d thought she’d covered her heart with a permanent porcelain shell, he still found a way to chip at it.”

― Jojo Moyes, The Last Letter from Your Lover

You know me, I love books that are coming into life. Just like those Nicholas Sparks novels, that invaded my entire university-age hopeful mind and those Jane Austen and Charlotte Bronte books that made me hope for something extraordinaire or those written by Shakespeare and F. Scottgerald that made me fall in love with literature. Yes, all those kinds you see in the classic bookshelf in the library or in the bookstore. I remember, when I was in college, I spend most of my time lingering around second hand books store, trying to fish a good catch of classical novels. My first ones were Jane Eyre, Pride and Prejudice, Great Gatsby and Romeo & Juliet.

I remember who I was all excited to go home after purchasing a half-priced old book that was still in good condition. I remember how I spend sleepless nights not for reviewing but for reading such books. I became hopeful that someday, these books will come to life coz I swear, I keep dreaming of them. Well, there are few versions of film adaptations but it wasn’t played on the cinematic type that I wanted so when they finally released such movies in the year where technology has better results than black and white, yes, I was so happy.

This month marks one of the unapologetically nice books I’ve read, being released as a movie. Yes, Netflix did it again! The Title of the book is The last letter from your lover by Jojo Moyes, the same writer for Me Before You which also became a movie hit few years back. If you have read the book itself, you’ll know that this movie is set in the 1960s and in the present day. It’s a story about two pairs of couples;

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Kingdom: Ashin of the North (A Moview)

Avenge my father’s death.

-Ashin, Kingdom: Ashin of the North, 2021

Who among of you have watched the famous Korean Drama series (which is zombie-based) Kingdom? Well, it has Season 1 and Season 2 which were released in the past few years. During the pandemic, everyone got hooked up in watching the said series until eventually everyone is asking for a sequel.

So this month of July, they released a new entry for the Kingdom, however, this is not a sequel, nor a 12 episode-long series. It’s a prequel movie tackling some unanswered questions left from the S1 & S2. So to those who are expecting that they’ll be seeing the Prince, you won’t coz this is a prequel as I mentioned.

So let’s begin, (well, obviously, spoiler alert again.) The story is about Ashin; For those who have watched the cliff hanger of the last episode of S2, She’s the

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Black Widow: A Moview

Most movies now are embracing the reverse flashback plots (I called it like that coz most of these flashbacks were actually the main event in a movie) It’s like directors have been okay with the result-first-before-the-cause kind of plots which I do not complain about but this particular movie, I think deserves more than a flashback. I’m talking about the newest released, Black Widow. So yeah, this is about the newest released of the the Marvel Studios, Black Widow.

In other angle, Marvel is now embracing the villain stories which DC Movies had already made, (e.g. Suicide Squad, Joker, League of Legends etc…)

Just this 8th of July, Marvel has released another new movie after being postponed because of Covid19, finally, we will see Black Widow Movie in cinemas. Anyway, I wanna discuss this movie or maybe talk about how the plot is and where does it becomes relevant with. You might find a few spoilers but let’s see how we could detail this review.

Disclaimer: Spoiler alert! Whatever you read here is only based on what I’ve seen and what I think I feel while seeing this movie. To be fair and I won’t be blamed for spoiling, watch it first before you continue reading this article.

Let’s begin!

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