Black Widow: A Moview

Most movies now are embracing the reverse flashback plots (I called it like that coz most of these flashbacks were actually the main event in a movie) It’s like directors have been okay with the result-first-before-the-cause kind of plots which I do not complain about but this particular movie, I think deserves more than a flashback. I’m talking about the newest released, Black Widow. So yeah, this is about the newest released of the the Marvel Studios, Black Widow.

In other angle, Marvel is now embracing the villain stories which DC Movies had already made, (e.g. Suicide Squad, Joker, League of Legends etc…)

Just this 8th of July, Marvel has released another new movie after being postponed because of Covid19, finally, we will see Black Widow Movie in cinemas. Anyway, I wanna discuss this movie or maybe talk about how the plot is and where does it becomes relevant with. You might find a few spoilers but let’s see how we could detail this review.

Disclaimer: Spoiler alert! Whatever you read here is only based on what I’ve seen and what I think I feel while seeing this movie. To be fair and I won’t be blamed for spoiling, watch it first before you continue reading this article.

Let’s begin!

First of all, if it’s not obvious with my first paragraph, I’m pretty much not a fan of these kind of flashback movies unless there’s a mere connection on the current timeline. I guess it’s just hard for me to imagine or enjoy the movie that much because we all know that Black Widow died during the Avengers: End Game, so where this story even go forward unless there will be a multiverse where they can input whatever they played in the latest movie.

Played by Scarlett Johansson, I believed the Natasha Romanoff character was chiseled for her. No doubt. The assassin, the action-packed details of the movie was represented very well, which I believed is the perfect set-up for Natasha’s character. But we don’t know the real story about Natasha aside from she’s a trained killer from Russia, is it? In the movie they showed how and why Natasha is Natasha. Well, we all know we want the drama; so they give us one. Natasha is well known for being a cold-hearted bitch among all the Avengers and she’s good at fighting. But did you even thought how she became a great assassin? Well, talk about weird plots, she actually had a family, she was abducted and made-believed that she was abandoned so the hatred kept her going. She was assigned to pretend as family of four in Ohio with her fake sister, Yelena and her fake parents which are basically right hand of the boss. (Eh! You know who it is…Dreykov.)

Anyway, Let me just introduce you to the newest character that you should be aware of, Yelena Belova. You’ll know why I’m pretty much excited about it in the end of my blog because she is very relevant. She’s played by Florence Pugh, the character played mainly an addition to Black Widow but also it introduces us to the other side of Natasha. (Won’t spoil, I promise!) I love the tandem, which I wish Marvel has introduced long time ago but yeah, I understand the delay. (you’ll see. just keep reading, I’m also giddy as much as you do.)

Well, the movie was mainly the back story of Natasha’s life, it’s like introducing her again for the first time and surprisingly they showed another weapon made by Dreykov, well, they could have used that as a weapon too in the past movies, I mean could’ve been more exciting than just wait for Thanos to come. he! For two people who haven’t seen each other for 21 years, Yelena and Natasha quite started in the wrong foot and later on became sisters again. Yeah, the movie had a family drama too.

The verdict was in the same level of not liking it to the same ratio of liking it. But if you watch the movie, you’ll notice some few signs of the upcoming movies or tv series that’s going to happen later on in the MCU. but yeah, before I just jump into my ending lines, I wanna talk about the credit scene. Yes, Black Widow is still dead and Yelena is alive however, looks like she is being recruited by Valentina (She’s like the Female version of Nick Fury of the second MCU) and this time I think, Valentina is making a squad hating the remaining avengers…well, are they gonna be called Revengers? haha! Yeah, I thought I could use that joke. Found it funny when it was in my head!

So, all in all, the movie is not just about Natasha herself but also the MCU had opened to some possibilities that we’re going to Yelena with Hawk. Yeah, we will probably because I heard Hawk will have his own series too. Oh wait, I found this movie with a little humor mixed in it, so this is why I liked it. The best scene that I was laughing about was when they landed the old jet. It was like, I can’t imagine the people inside will be alive after that landing. It was hilarious! And also I like the participation of the character, Rick Mason. Yeah, it’s like he’s the go-to guy of Natasha whenever she needs to go undercover or she needs a ride and yeah, thought they’ll be kissing at the end too. lol joke.

How about when Yelena talked about Natasha’s signature pose? like she’s really a poser and it was funny. Yelena was like, “Dude! Why you always do that? It’s like you are trying to be awesome at the same time.”

Imma give this 89% wonderroanne rating. Yeah, I’m that bitch who is not satisfied on whatever she’s watching. But her, the movie is good and I can’t wait to know who else will Valentina be recruiting? I guess we will be seeing that in the next Marvel Movies that will come. I’m sure, they will be building an Avengers Version 2.0! Can’t wait! But for now, let’s enjoy the movie; after all, it’s still nice of a movie!

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