The Last Letter From Your Lover (A Moview)

“It never ended. Even though she’d thought she’d covered her heart with a permanent porcelain shell, he still found a way to chip at it.”

― Jojo Moyes, The Last Letter from Your Lover

You know me, I love books that are coming into life. Just like those Nicholas Sparks novels, that invaded my entire university-age hopeful mind and those Jane Austen and Charlotte Bronte books that made me hope for something extraordinaire or those written by Shakespeare and F. Scottgerald that made me fall in love with literature. Yes, all those kinds you see in the classic bookshelf in the library or in the bookstore. I remember, when I was in college, I spend most of my time lingering around second hand books store, trying to fish a good catch of classical novels. My first ones were Jane Eyre, Pride and Prejudice, Great Gatsby and Romeo & Juliet.

I remember who I was all excited to go home after purchasing a half-priced old book that was still in good condition. I remember how I spend sleepless nights not for reviewing but for reading such books. I became hopeful that someday, these books will come to life coz I swear, I keep dreaming of them. Well, there are few versions of film adaptations but it wasn’t played on the cinematic type that I wanted so when they finally released such movies in the year where technology has better results than black and white, yes, I was so happy.

This month marks one of the unapologetically nice books I’ve read, being released as a movie. Yes, Netflix did it again! The Title of the book is The last letter from your lover by Jojo Moyes, the same writer for Me Before You which also became a movie hit few years back. If you have read the book itself, you’ll know that this movie is set in the 1960s and in the present day. It’s a story about two pairs of couples;

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Kingdom: Ashin of the North (A Moview)

Avenge my father’s death.

-Ashin, Kingdom: Ashin of the North, 2021

Who among of you have watched the famous Korean Drama series (which is zombie-based) Kingdom? Well, it has Season 1 and Season 2 which were released in the past few years. During the pandemic, everyone got hooked up in watching the said series until eventually everyone is asking for a sequel.

So this month of July, they released a new entry for the Kingdom, however, this is not a sequel, nor a 12 episode-long series. It’s a prequel movie tackling some unanswered questions left from the S1 & S2. So to those who are expecting that they’ll be seeing the Prince, you won’t coz this is a prequel as I mentioned.

So let’s begin, (well, obviously, spoiler alert again.) The story is about Ashin; For those who have watched the cliff hanger of the last episode of S2, She’s the

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