Space Jam 2: It’s Lebron’s Time or Is It?

From the 1996 infamous Cartoon-live action film starred by Michael Jordan comes a new version of the Space Jam. For everyone who doesn’t know Space Jam is one of the highest grossing basketball film of all time, well because Michael Jordan was there playing with all the Looney Tunes characters such as Bugs Bunny, Daffy Duck, Lola Bunny and the rest of the Looney Tunes cartoon characters.

HBO Max has released the newest or should I say the second sequel of the Space Jam, starring another NBA Legend of his time, Lebron James. Yeah, who doesn’t know The LBJ? Okay, Okay, He’s the famous NBA player

who once led the Cleveland Cavaliers and now the reigning king of Los Angeles Lakers. As an avid NBA Fan, I know how great really is Lebron inside the court and even outside but this movie is gonna take a leap on making his name much bigger than it is right now or is it?

The story of Space Jam revolves around Lebron and his son being trap and the mission is to get them out of there by teaming up with the Looney Tunes characters… not to mention, he should play basketball. Yeah, Ironic, right? but that’s how Space Jam works so yeah, you know the whole story. Anyway, what I actually wanted to point out with this moview is a little different. Well, as you know I’m a fan and I actually didn’t expect that this movie is such a flop. I mean, I’m sure I’m not the only one who thought about that, right?

Lebron deserves more credit than this movie, coz I don’t know, being compared to Michael Jordan all throughout is time in NBA is fine but doing a movie that was first done by the person being compared to you is another flop. Like even outside the court he’s like being compared to Jordan. I mean, yeah they’re both great in different eras and I know for sure coz I have been watching them and Lebron is really someone you can compare against Jordan. He even surpass some of the record Jordan and other basketball players did. But Space Jam…uh, that’s a lot to give in.

This movie is nice but I hate that as I watch it, I completely compare it with the old Space Jam, like in my head I was going, “Uh, the old was like this and that, the old one did this and that…” IT’s definitely a war in my head while watching it but I wouldn’t complain about the overall. It’s not the right movie for Lebron to play on.

The verdict in this movie is a little simple, I liked it but not like like it. I enjoyed it but not to the point that I will be watching it all over again. Although, kudos to LBJ for doing this movie despite of all the possible comments of him being compared again to MJ. I’d give this movie a 87% wonderroanne rating which I believe is fair.

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