Suicide Squad 2: (A Moview)

Where do I have to begin? Well, First this is another DC Movie that can possibly reconnect all the DC upcoming movies and series and this might be the better version of all the villain-turned-hero movies of all time. I guess we all know how directors nowadays are filling up the gaps of superhero movies by creating sequels for the villains’ side of the story. which suicide squad was familiar of; other samples will be Legends of Tomorrow, Bird of Prey and the other films that we’ve seen through out the years. Although I should admit, at first I was a little skeptical because I didn’t like the first film for the Suicide Squad, and I didn’t actually expect that they will creating another one based on the same story.

Okay for those who don’t know the Suicide Squad at all, so these are the group of villains from different cities and defeated by DC heroes. Imma tell you some of them later on. So these people were basically sent to a mission, which is practically a suicide mission (yeah, that’s where they got the name, technically.) Most of them were either getting killed or getting killed there’s no way out unless they have some kind of magic as if they have nine lives just like Harley Quinn. Yes, Harley is goddess of the squad. She basically is the only one who eventually survives a serious hit every time. That’s her big luck, I guess? Well anyway, this moview is a little detailed with so many spoilers including the upcoming (possible) plans for DC Universe. I know, I have to say this ones again, I geek on these kinds of reviews especially when it comes to DC Films.

Disclaimer: Please watch Suicide Squad 2 before you continue with this review. Any spoilt events are at reader’s risk.

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