Suicide Squad 2: (A Moview)

Where do I have to begin? Well, First this is another DC Movie that can possibly reconnect all the DC upcoming movies and series and this might be the better version of all the villain-turned-hero movies of all time. I guess we all know how directors nowadays are filling up the gaps of superhero movies by creating sequels for the villains’ side of the story. which suicide squad was familiar of; other samples will be Legends of Tomorrow, Bird of Prey and the other films that we’ve seen through out the years. Although I should admit, at first I was a little skeptical because I didn’t like the first film for the Suicide Squad, and I didn’t actually expect that they will creating another one based on the same story.

Okay for those who don’t know the Suicide Squad at all, so these are the group of villains from different cities and defeated by DC heroes. Imma tell you some of them later on. So these people were basically sent to a mission, which is practically a suicide mission (yeah, that’s where they got the name, technically.) Most of them were either getting killed or getting killed there’s no way out unless they have some kind of magic as if they have nine lives just like Harley Quinn. Yes, Harley is goddess of the squad. She basically is the only one who eventually survives a serious hit every time. That’s her big luck, I guess? Well anyway, this moview is a little detailed with so many spoilers including the upcoming (possible) plans for DC Universe. I know, I have to say this ones again, I geek on these kinds of reviews especially when it comes to DC Films.

Disclaimer: Please watch Suicide Squad 2 before you continue with this review. Any spoilt events are at reader’s risk.

Who are part of the Suicide Squad 2?

Before getting all excited about the SS2 characters, let me sum up the characters from Suicide Squad 1 especially the ones who aren’t there anymore.

  1. Deadshot – Despite of being the center character for Suicide Squad 1, they weren’t able to get him back but instead the position was practically replaced with Bloodsport who is played by Idris Elba. (We’ll talk about that later)
  2. Joker – yes, we all expected that he’s not going to be in the sequel movie coz for the past DC Movies, Harley Quinn has been freed from The Joker so I guess it is not essential to include The Joker in the movie coz it will just outshine everyone else.
  3. El Diablo – Oh this one was my favorite in the first film although he won’t be able to come back because he died in the first film. So yeah, but we don’t know, yeah? Might be a chance.
  4. Slipknot – oh yeah, he died too so yes, that will be impossible to see him in the sequel.
  5. Killer Croc – I guess they removed him to be able to replace him for King Shark.
  6. Katana – Oh yes! I liked her character too.
  7. Enchantress – Yes, so since she’s the main reason why there’s even suicide squad mission, so yeah, we don’t need that kind of toxicity right here.
  8. Incubus – brother of Enchantress, so yeah he won’t comeback too.
Suicide Squad 1

So now let’s talk about the newest members of the Suicide Squad. I will tell them in the order from the ones who first died and who survived.

  1. Blackguard – played by Pete Davidson. Well, he’s the first one to die. When they reached Corto Maltese, it seemed like he’s the one who sold them out to the Maltesean Gov’t but little did he know, he was being fooled. He dies losing his face. Tragic.
  2. Mongal – Well, Mongal’s death was basically a little impulsive. The whole call was impulsive so when she attached the helicopter, it was an impulsive move and a straight path to death zone.
  3. Captain Boomerang – He’s the favorite person of Harley Quinn and he was also in the first movie, he was sent Flash into prison if I’m not mistaken. He dies getting impaled by the tree branches, and the wreckage of the helicopter.
  4. Javelin – Got shot and was a bit funny when he passed his weapon to Harley Quinn only to left Harley a hanging statement.
  5. TDK (The Detachable Kid) – Yes he died with his arms detached away from him. It seems like these people just don’t estimate the attack and just be impulsive about it. Well, it’s was an epic source of little comedy too which I’m sure the viewers loved.
  6. Savant – He got scared when he saw how each of the people he was with are getting killed and yes, he tried to run away from the task but Amada Waller, installed a micro chip in the back of their heads to be able to scare them in case they don’t do the task so, Amanda pushed the button and blow up Savant’s head.
  7. Weasel – Ha! It drowned but he didn’t died. In fact in the post credit scene, he wakes up, coughing water. So now, my question is, does he even know where it will go? Coz, technically he doesn’t have anything to do anymore. This was the funniest thing of all. Well, he was first on the line that we thought died and yet he survived. hahaha! Guess they have to check next time if weasels can swim.
Suicide Squad 2

So the ones whose left from the game is Harley Quinn and Colonel Rick Flag but little did they know they were just distractions from all the other group of Suicide Squad that were sent to Corto Maltese.

The ones who were lucky enough to even set foot in Corto Maltese were:

8. Bloodsport – Played by Edris Alba. This character is one of Superman’s arch nemesis. He shot Superman with Kryptonite Bullets and he has the same level of abilities just like Deadshot.

9. Peacemaker – Played by John Cena. Well, he has a major role in this film because he is one of the main characters and aside from that he is kinda part of an upcoming project for DC. yeah, I got a little to excited to share that, which I will talk about later on on the post credit part.

10. Colonel Rick Flag – He is a Special Forces officer who is hired by Amanda Waller to watch over June/Enchantress in the 2016 Suicide Squad. And now he leads the first group of Task Force to enter Corto Maltese. Well, he is basically the only normal person on the team.

11. Polka Dot Man – You’ll know him if you know about Batman because he is one of the villains there. Well, he is from the 1960s and his identity is basically a joke so I guess putting him in the suicide squad is appropriate. His ability is to throw polka dots out of his body which then kills whoever these polka dots touch it melts and burns.

12. Ratcatcher 2 – She is the daughter of Ratcatcher who is also a villain from Batman. And she has the ability to control and call the rats. Yeah, bloodsport is not a big fan of that. But later on I think it was big help.

13. King Shark – If you have watched The Flash TV Series, he is one deadly enemy of Flash and yeah, was sent to ARGUS and later on became part of the Task Force. I think he is mainly the replacement for King Croc. And I love how they made a character out of him. Coz King Shark just eats everything but apparently not his friends. Well, Nom nom!!

14. The Thinker – SO he is mainly the operator the project STARFISH. Well, all I know is there are plenty of Thinker in the DCU but one of them was in the flash, he was Clifford DeVoe. He is an enemy of Flash. But here in Suicide Squad he is the one who is trying to control Starro and died by being killed by Starro itself.

15. Starro – It’s called project Starfish. SO basically he is the ‘star’ of the movie. (ahhaha! See what I did there?! LOL)

16. Harley Quinn –We all know what Harley Quinnis there for so yes, still, she is the Suicide Squad Queen. Plus I love the floral touch during her fight with the soldiers.

Synopsis & Verdict

So basically the Task Force needs to reach Corto Maltese and Shutdown project Starfish. So in the first part of the film, they made the first few of the squads as a bait or should I say destruction, those are the ones who died first and the ones who remained (because they went to another entrance to Corto Maltese) were Bloodsport, Ratcatcher 2, Peacemaker, King Shark, Polka Dot Man and later on they found Rick Flag and Harley Quinn. They also managed to abduct The Thinker who is their key to enter the Jotunheim Tower where Starro is sheltered.

I gotta say, the comedy part in their journey has added some feels in it. It made the movie less boring. Well, I could say this is the first time I don’t mind repeating to watch the movie all over again. And I love how Harley Quinn managed to create her story in this movie. She even had her own fun when she slept with the President and killed him because she saw a red flag (which ladies, is a good example for all of us; look for red flags and if you see one, leave.) She was also able to escape all those Maltesean soldiers without any hassle. Like, she is THE Harley Quinn, why am I even surprised?

So yes, we were talking about Starro, apparently, it’s kinda using it’s tiny Starfish extensions to control the mind of its prey and that’s what The Thinker has been doing for the last 30 years but little did he know, it will also become destructive that will lead to killing him as well. Starro is claiming the whole Corto Maltese as a vengeance. But the main point here was it is discovered that US Govt has something to do with the project and that’s what they are trying to cover by sending the Task Force to destroy the project. This is also the reason why Rick Flag tried to steal the disk with full information of the whole project but failed to do so because Peacemaker stopped him and killed him along the way. Which led him to become the enemy for a short while until Bloodsport shot him right before he tried to kill Ratcatcher 2.

The turn of events is rather appalling for me coz the whole suicide squad has lost so many villain-who-wants-to-turn-superhero but it was also matching the expectations that I have while watching the movie.

After they were able to destroy the building Amanda Waller just wanted to exit Corto Maltese and leave Starro to the Maltesean responsibility but with all the people being killed and controlled by Starro, Bloodsport and the rest of the team, turned away from the mission and decided to kill Starro for themselves. Polka dot man was able to get his long time wish to die when he was killed by Starro starting of the battle. With a limited man power, the squad were out of power until Ratcatcher has called all the rats in the city. Well, you know it, rats everywhere and they were able to defeat Starro by getting inside his huge eye and they ate its nerves and insides causing him to die.

I bet the ending was dramatic as it was coz I liked how Starro just said “I was happy floating.” It just shows that once you disturb something from its shelter, it will retaliate and I guess we could use that lesson in our real lives.

wait, we’re not yet done, let’s talk about the post credit scene, as I mentioned in the beginning of my article, Weasel survived the drowning and just right then and there he ran to Corto Maltese, who knows what he will do there coz the mission is already done. Let’s remember the fact that Weasel is a dangerous creature too, I guess theoretically speaking, he can make another mess in Corto Maltese. ayt?

The exciting post credit scene was Peacemaker. We saw how Bloodsport shot Peacemaker but we never saw him die. in the post-credit scene he is being attended in the ICU and John and Emilia (Amanda Waller’s colleagues) went there to visit him. Many questions sparked but there’s an answer to that, I believe it has a connection with the upcoming series starring John Cena with the same title, Peacemaker in 2022. Yes, he will have a TV series so to connect that to upcoming movies and series, they cannot just kill Peacemaker.

So the question is, will Bloodsport and Peacemaker meet again for another team-up or will be forever enemies?

Well, we shall see that in the next coming series and movies from DCU.

I will definitely give this movie 90% wonderroanne rating.

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