He’s All That! (A Moview)

Talk about latest and trending, there’s this movie that was actually a remake of the 1999 movie “She’s All That” in which after the popular guy loses his girlfriend and social status, he went on a bet to make an unpopular girl in the campus be the PROM Queen and later on get his status back and maybe more than that as well. We all know those 90s teenage movies, like the Clueless movie as well and many more, these are the kind of movies we all grew up watching. It’s where the popular do a makeover to the geeky or not so beauty person in the campus and make them part of the society only for them to realized that they were part of the bet. Obviously many movies have done that through out the years and surprisingly, here’s another attempt of doing such but in the modern 2021 world. Uh, when I say 2021, I mean, this is the era where social media is ruling everything. Like 90s shows doesn’t have social media, instead they only have those flip or sliding phones where they talk to each other, trying to plan stuff and other things unlike now, high schoolers will just post everything on Instagram, Snapchat and people can view their stories even the ones whom they don’t know.

So let’s the movie, as you all know I don’t need to talk about the plot because we all know how it begins and ends but let’s talk about the actors especially the ones who are actually from the Tiktok world

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Escape Room: Tournament of Champions (A Moview)

Okay, so I’m sure you have heard about Cube, Panic Room, Saw 1 – 8 and other survival horror games. Well, last July (Yes I know I’ve watched it that early but failed to write about it coz of my lazy ass and some personal reasons which I promise to tell you guys after I be able to write all the movie reviews that I missed writing for the past few months). Anyway, there’s this new movie that is added up on those movies that I mentioned and it is called the Escape Room: Tournament of Champions.

This is actually the second sequel of Escape Room which was released last 2019. The plot is six people were stuck in a room and have the task to get out, the twist is they need to unveil the tricks/riddles/puzzles and ways to escape the room,

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Free Guy Movie: Are you game? (A Moview)

Who else, aside from me, loves video games? We have lived with so many video games and right at this moment I’m sure that everyone likes-or loves-playing video games especially those role-playing and adventure games such as Fortnite, Call of Duty, Ghost of Tsushima, Cyberpunk, GTA, Sims and many to mention. Well we all know bunch of streamers, I know for myself that I was one of them few months back and I can’t even hide the fact that I sincerely enjoy playing.

So why am I telling you all those stuff? Well, coz there’s a movie that resembles to Wreck It Ralph but in this case instead of going thru the internet, the main characters in the game are the ones being entirely capable of deciding what to do for an adventure. Like the Non-player characters or NPCs as what they usually call them or the ones just seems to be in the background as a props for the whole game to become more realistic. Yes, you heard it, it’s like they had their life of their own beside the codes that they were program to. I’m talking about the new movie that was released beginning of August. I know this moview is a little late (because of personal reasons which I will promise to tell you by the end of the numbers of movies that I skipped on writing for the month of August and September. Well, I’m catching coz I needed to be on time for October movies, coz yes, kind of hectic on the October because there will be lots of releases.

Anyway, back in the movie entitled, Free Guys, played by Ryan Reynolds, he is an NPC that casually do the routine of being a non-playing character in a video game so called Free City, and met a girl of his life while walking down the street, yeah, pretty classic huh. so inevitably the AI inside him had gone far beyond his reach that he was able to fight his character’s suppose to be routine and play like the normal players (they call the the guys with the glasses). When he discovered

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Turning Point: 9/11 and the War on Terror

In time for the 20th Anniversary of 9/11, Netflix has released a documentary about the chilling events that happened during the 9/11 Terrorist attack is US that killed thousands of people and brought a ugly memory that we are reliving every year.

The 5 episode long docuseries consists of interviews with the people who were once employees sitting in the WTC building, the survivors, the rescuers and other people who were closely involved in the unbearable event. I have seen so many documentaries about 9/11

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Kissing Booth 3: What’s In There?

Last August, another sequel from the famous movie series Kissing Booth was released and what’s in there? Is it really worth watching or worth skipping? I bet you know the story, the plot and the casts coz we’ve all been here, right? Okay now we will just talk about how the movie ended, yes, if you don’t want some spoilers, please watch it on Netflix. Before you click

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Gossip Girl: XOXO, She’s Back!

“We’re sisters. You’re my family. What is you is me. There’s nothing you could ever say that would make me let go.”

Blair Waldorf, Gossip Girl 2007

Apparently, there’s a new scoop going around Manhattan after 8 years of being asleep, our beloved Gossip Girl is back! HBO Max just or should I say finally reprise Gossip Girl and it’s all we have been waiting for! Since its premiere in 2007, Gossip Girl is the no. 1 go-to of all high school girls like me. It became our creative standards when it comes to IT Girl TV Shows.

No one can beat Serena and Blair-two high school best friends who are facing the pressure of being an IT Girl around a very pressuring society of Manhattan. We have lived almost the whole high school and college, well, I’d say I did, and survived it because of them. Their mottos became my mantra. I know as a fan you will hear that all through out this article.

I was actually late to hear about this because I was too busy at work but last week I was able to

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Cinderella 2021 (A Moview)

Yes, you read the title right. There’s a new Cinderella movie and it is as modern as anyone can imagine it to be. This September 2021, A romantic musical based in the infamous fairytale story that I know everyone is aware of, and in the same title, Cinderella is released in TV Streaming App Amazon Prime Video. After being stuck in the pandemic, our dearest musical lads and lass are about to mesmerize us with another musical film. I guess this is what we deserve at this very moment since we have been seeing online streams of previous musical shows from Broadway and other theatre available and that made us miss watching a live show. This movie is giving us a taste of the dream again!

The casts are jampacked! Starring Camilla Cabello as Cinderella, Nicholas Glatzine as Prince Robert, Idina Menzel as the Evil stepmother, Pierce Brosnan as the King and Minnie Driver as the Queen. Well, this is as modern as it can get coz the Fairy Godmother was played by Billie Porter and one of the rats is James Corden.

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