Kissing Booth 3: What’s In There?

Last August, another sequel from the famous movie series Kissing Booth was released and what’s in there? Is it really worth watching or worth skipping? I bet you know the story, the plot and the casts coz we’ve all been here, right? Okay now we will just talk about how the movie ended, yes, if you don’t want some spoilers, please watch it on Netflix. Before you click

So, we all know what happened based on the second movie, they are all going to college, One in Harvard, one in Boston and one still undecided, yes but in the end, Elle didn’t follow Noah nor Lee, instead she followed what she thinks she will want later for her future. She learned how to base her decision not because of the situation or the people around but because of her. She learned about self-love which I am very aware of coz I just talked about it on my first podcast episode (which I probably need to defend on my next article for not having a second episode).

While watching the movies, I saw some points that could be a big help and learning ground when it comes to growing up.

  1. There’s no such thing as ‘It’s up to my parents, friends or the society’. You should always choose you. Never ask anyone for their opinion and based your decision from whatever they said and you think they might like. Remember, you can never please everyone.
  2. There’s a limit between best friends. A best friend can never dictate who you’ll date, where you’ll go to college nor the major you’ll choose. The path is your to walk not those people around you. Your best friend is there just to support you not to make you change your mind.
  3. It’s never easy to trust someone who lied to you ever. I guess it will be fine someday but you will never forget, you will always have this inkling feeling that they might hurt you again and they might do the same things that they did before. We forgive, ye, but it is very hard to forget.
  4. Family will always be a family. A new family member, whether it’s a stepmother, stepfather, stepchildren, they will always be family. Sometimes, it will be a big adjustment but soon enough you’ll see how big of a change they can make in your family once you look at the good side of it.
  5. Loving someone doesn’t mean you need to change yourself. Yes, you don’t and never will. People who really loves you will accept you for who you are and if they don’t, they probably don’t love you at all.
  6. Love is a sacrifice. Even if it’s for the family, for the welfare or for your well being, you don’t just love, if you need to let go, go. If you need to give up something, weigh what is important and won’t hurt both parties. Never be selfish. Selflessness is the best measure of love.

Those are just some of the realization that the movies gave me. The movie did have a happy ending but not the way we expected it to be but all in all, I love it and it deserves a recommendation.

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