YOU: Season 3 (A Moview)

The universe has a funny way of keeping us humble. That beating was karmic. I know it. I did a bad thing today but for a good reason, and if there is any justice in the world, you are the reward for all of my suffering.

Joe Goldberg, YOU Season1

And there you have it, another hand down to Joe Goldberg for making all the red flags yet again so unclear. Yes, you know why I said this? Coz the TV Series YOU is making us confuse on what red flags really are, are we naturally masochistic or we just enjoy domination…ooops that’s for Mr. Grey to decide though. Anyway, It’s been two seasons passed and here we are again, getting together for one purpose only and it is to see another Joe Goldberg story but this time the plot is a lot more interesting coz not only Joe have found his soulmate but he has his life imprisoned from his own sins. IF you haven’t watched the 1st and 2nd season then this is your sign to do so, coz I’m not gonna filter any spoilers here.

Today’s moview is going to be detailed and effectively explaining along the way what happened to the ending. How exciting right? So if you are ready to unveil the new side of Joe as a family man, then let’s go! Go ahead and ready the next paragraphs at your own risk.

The plot for the Season 3 is gold. Why? Coz it’s not just Joe anymore, it’s him being a married man, a husband and a father to Henry which he literally thought was going to be a daughter. Well, aside from Joe getting the new-father-crisis, He is also being haunted by the fact that his current wife Love Quinn is actually a murderer more than him. He can’t leave his child, not when he was also left by his dad when he was young, he doesn’t want Henry to feel the same thing that he felt as a kid. Basically, Joe has a heart but sometimes he just don’t know how to eliminate the problems without creating a whole new problem. And so we go to the new problem, his new neighbor, Natalie.

Disclaimer: Photos used are from google

Well, Natalie is a married woman, living with her CEO husband, Matthew but that didn’t stop Joe from falling into Natalie’s shoes in no time. With all the pressure of having a baby and a Psycho wife, he went back to his old life, obsessing about the neighbor and later on, Love basically discovered the affair which made her retaliate and kill Natalie. Yes, that’s the first murder in the season. She again killed another person, which then had to cover up by Joe coz they’re in this together now.

But their life isn’t that easy, with Love’s mom trying to reincarnate Forty on Henry, and especially in the town where they are living, everyone knows everything and one wrong step, they’re neighbors might know something is up with them. especially their mom-fluencer new friend, Sherry. who literally know all the stories of everyone even the one Love had left home. Sherry is happily married with Cary Conrad who is trying to keep Joe in their circle. Sherry is observant and is like an eagle, Love and Joe cannot even make a move without getting almost caught.

One thing that kept Joe from being sane is working in the library where he met Marienne, his new obsession and Dante, a blind person who works in the library as an assistant and is married, looking to adopt a child. Of course, Joe and his patterns, after Natalie died, his eyes were darted to Love but he knows when he likes someone and Love notices, that lady will definitely get killed so he went a little careful with this one however, Love is one hell of a girl, she can literally smell Joe cheating even miles away.

But while Joe is busy with Marienne, Love is busy with Theo, Matthew’s step son who happens to be attracted to Love and since Joe’s attention is divided, Love was able to match the attraction that Theo has for him. Yes, she cheated on Joe by fucking a younger man and also made it a way to discover what Matthew has been up to, and Later on, they discovered that everyone in the town were being watched by Matthew coz he thinks that someone is not right with the investigation.

Love has her moments too, especially when she misses Forty a lot only to find herself trying to talk to herself and being manic all the time. It caused her mental health somehow by losing her brother, Forty. And also with her mother being around, of course, she’s all out of control.

Joe and Love tried to fix whatever they have left and literally tried everything but when you don’t love someone, you just don’t love them. which later on caused them the truth. Sherry and Cary discovered their secrets which led to them keeping the two in the glass cage and then Theo saw the footages where Joe drove Natalie’s car when Natalie was killed. Theo thought discovering Joe was the killer is his answer to get Love’s attention but little did he know, it’s a low-key answer for him to discover who Love really is.

We all know that Joe stayed at least for Henry and he is forever imprisoned from Love as long as Henry is there but in the end Joe found an escape however, this escape cost so many lives to be ruined. Including the life of Marienne’s husband who Joe killed to be able to save Marienne. In the end, Love tried to kill Marienne but failed because of Marienne’s daughter which I think Love’s motherly instincts came saving Marienne. Love thought he had everything in her hands by telling Marienne the side of her fake story and made her leave town but little did she know, Joe had it all covered, yet again.

Matthew discovered who really killed Natalie but never helped Joe when he was poisoned by Love, thinking it’s his karma for not doing anything to save Natalie and for cheating with Natalie. Yes, you heard that right, Love poisoned Joe, the man she loves very much. Joe was right, Love will always be able to kill someone even the ones she loves. But Joe is still playing the game and has planned on how to end everything that Love started. He later poisoned Love with a wolfsbane making Love paralyzed and then he make his exit a little believable by burning the house down making it look like it was Love’s fault.

The Verdict and Ending Explained…

I freakin’ love this!!!! Aside from all the psychological trauma that you will get from watching this season, you will also realize so many things while watching the series especially when it comes to marriage, friends, infidelity and yes, other things like being a parent and what comes with it when you actually have a child.

I love how the ending just blow the minds of everyone.

Let’s start with Theo, whom Joe still saved even after Theo tried to steal his wife. Joe had an understanding that Love is capable of killing every person who gets in her way and that includes Theo; when Theo tried to tell love that Joe was the one who killed Natalie. To cover the murder, she tried to kill Theo but luckily she was spared by Joe and in the end, his relationship with his step father, Matthew became stronger. Matthew realized how important it is for him to continue living and focus on what he has left. in the end, he happily picks up Theo at the hospital.

For the couple who made so many realizations about their relationship while inside the glass cage, Sherry and Cary realized that their love for each other is not for show only. It’s now also for everyone to get inspiration from. When they finally made it out of the cage, they decided to share their experience and realizations in life and yes, they became speakers too.

For Marienne, Joe had given her the freedom she deserves especially with the custody of her daughter. Joe killed her ex-husband to be able to get her daughter back to her. She decided to go to Paris just like she was telling Joe before.

As for Dante, Joe made sure Henry had a bright future with someone he thinks will take care of him, Dante and his partner have been having struggle in adoption because their genders and Joe thought of it as a chance to not drag down Henry with him and Love. So he decided to leave Henry on Dante’s porch with a letter, asking him to take care of Henry like he was their child.

For Love, she’s was burnt alive with the evidence that can point her as a serial killer whole killed her husband. Joe managed to make a great escape by chopping two of his toes and burn it with their house, making investigation easier and letting people think he was killed by Love in a gruesome way.

And they live as peaceful as ever…ooops wait, there’s more, now that the past has been cleaned and technically, Joe is a dead man, He is now in Paris in search for Marienne. And this might be the good sign for a Season 4 cooking up. But what will happen to Marienne? What Joe’s new name could be? We will see on the next season and I hope it will be soon.

All in all, the series was a new born concept, no repeats and predictable scenes. I love how they made so many changes of the normal kill and hide shows we once knew. This time, they made the show more relevant to the viewers like they can relate somehow with all the marriage, being a parent and getting along with neighbors situation it was a spot on!

I would give this a 92% wonderroanne rating!

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