Halloween Kills: A Moview

Michael Myers – I bet you all know who Michael is, yes, he’s been the talk of the scare during Halloween season coz he’s been haunting kids since 1978. He’s the killer in the infamous movie series Halloween that set foot in 1978 and then had so many sequels followed through out the years which is crazy because I think this is the only killer in every slasher movie ever known who has been in 11 installment and now just last month, before Halloween strikes again, they released a new movie following up all the movies from 1978. In 2021, Michael Myers has come back in the newest entry entitled, Halloween Kills, sounds about right? I know, sounds exciting especially if you are a fan of the slasher movies like Scream, Saw, Halloween Series, IKWYDLS, Chuckie and so many more.

I’ve grew up watching horror films and it’s so nice that the Slasher Genre has come back. Slasher movies are different from the Exorcist and Paranormal genres that we have been watching for the past years and I have been longing for this kind of genre coz it feels so nostalgic and I know it has so much cliches in it but I’d rather watch movies like this that feed myself with paranormal stuff ones more, I mean, I like paranormal things but I believe this generation deserves the movies we’ve grew up watching.

Disclaimer: All photos are from google images

Halloween Kills just continues the whole saga of killing Michael Myers who apparently shows up every Halloween to kill people. Who is Michael Myers? What is his story? Well, he is a disturb six-year old kid who killed his sister and after 15 years, he broke out of the facility and he came back to his hometown Haddonfield and kills teenagers.

In this new movie, he was thought to be dead by Laurie Strode, played by Jamie Lee Curtis and is one of the original cast members from the previous movies. With Michael’s supernatural strength, Laurie thought they had him when they locked him and burnt the house however, came the fire fighters, Myers was able to escape the fire, killing all first responders along the way. The whole town is now in the hunt for Myers who happens to be killing everyone from the other side of the town only to find out that is path is on his way to the old home where he grew up as a child.

But in the end, everyone thought they have out numbered Myers only to find out that Myers is a mortal feeding on people’s fears and that’s what Laurie and Officer Hawkins have come to realize as the film ends. The question is how will they defeat him? What’s really the trick here?

The Verdict

Sound a little cliche, or should I say, it is a huge cliche to watch a slasher movie at this time of the generation is like watching a replay of horror movies you’ve watched long time ago coz yes, every slasher movies you know ends in the same way. Killer kills, the killer gets caught or the other and get sent somewhere, buried or die. It’s like you already know what’s gonna happen. But the funny thing is, we enjoy slasher films no matter how corny it gets, we enjoy the moment when the killer just stands right in the corner and the character just gets scared and get killed in a snap.

The movie was expected but what I don’t like about it was the story was a little too brief. This is what my usual comment nowadays when it comes to slasher movies because I can’t blame the directors, they cannot make a 2 hour length movie just for the killer to stab everyone. However, I’m looking for something concise, I mean, it can be brief but the whole thing should’ve been there. There’s so many angles that were left out, I wished after 12 movies they could’ve given us a hint how to kill Myers, yes they tried to tell us that Myers is the product of people’s fears but can we not have one point or the other so we’ll know how we can defeat him? Maybe this is the trick to give the excitement of getting another slasher movie next year, however, 12 movies… I guess is enough to conclude Myers’ story.

I believed this was supposed to be a trilogy so, we’re gonna expect another entry which so I believe to be released on 2022 however, the question is, will it be the last one or is there more to come? Oh well, one thing is for sure, we gotta wait for that for another year. But what I hope for the next movie will be big, like I want some epic flash backs, stories behind Myer’s behavior and how in the world they will defeat him. We had one clue, fear is never the answer so that’s one and I guess we will just have to figure out the next. I mean, through out the old movies they always discover things about him but I hope this time we gonna end him, right?

I love slasher movies so yes, I still love this and I will give this 89% wonderroanne rating coz, yes, who doesn’t like a slasher movie. Would have been fun though if they made it more into a ‘behind-the-mask’ kind of thing, where they could’ve been played some sort of flashbacks for the new watchers to know the real story and all but yes, it was all great, in fact, I would definitely ask everyone to binge watch all the other 11 films of Michael Myers. Here’s the list in order according to the year they were released.

  1. Halloween (1978)
  2. Halloween II (1981)
  3. Halloween III: Season of the Witch (1985)
  4. Halloween 4: The Return of Michael Myers (1988)
  5. Halloween 5: The Revenge of Michael Myers (1989)
  6. Halloween 6: The Curse of Michael Myers (1995)
  7. Halloween H20: Twenty Years Later (1998)
  8. Halloween: Resurrection (2002)
  9. Halloween (2007)
  10. Halloween 2 (2009)
  11. Halloween (2018)
  12. Halloween Kills (2021)
  13. Halloween Ends (2022)

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