Spiderman: No Way Home (A Blow-by-Blow Reaction) Part 1 of 2 Moviews

Okay this is the start of a new chapter for our friendly neighborhood Spiderman. Yes, this sequel comes after the scene where Mysterio was killed in the battle of Spiderman however, there was a huge turn of events. You see, I’m starting this article not with my normal lead paragraph in which I get to tell you the $700 Million Blockbuster ticket sales for the first five days after the release or did I? Yap! First day it hit the cinemas everyone is in their seats, with their popcorns and sodas, with cellphones on silent. I know, this is probably not the end game but this is Spiderman. This dude can outlive sales of all the DC movies even without the avengers’ name in the title. (For a DC fan to say that, Spiderman really can have his own universe and still keep staggering sales)

Anyway, back to the blog, you may have noticed the title, I said blow by blow, this term is actually used in journalism and especially in Broadcasting, it means it is a narrative of all the details in order to give a more precise information. This is actually done during reports. I know of it coz I majored in journalism so, I think as an avid fan of Spiderman, my readers deserve my blow by blow reactions in this installment. As you see I have watched all Spiderman movies and read most of the comics even the new Venom movies, I had written all of them in my blog so for me to give an insight on how I actually fill my notes while I watch the movie, yes, I take notes while watching the movie, I think this could help reader understand my entire excitement while watching the movie. This could be the longest article I will be writing (despite my writer’s block) and I hope I do some justice on explaining some events that were actually connected in the MCU universe and my verdict of the movie and post credits.

Again, just a disclaimer, I managed to keep my notes to myself, for more than a month since the day of the release. I promise my readers not to spoil it by writing it a little early coz some countries haven’t watched the Spiderman yet because of pandemic situation. This will be a full on spoiler post. So for those who haven’t watch, stop right here and don’t click more or scroll more. But for those who did, click more and let’s begin the exciting reaction while watching the film.

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Emily in Paris: Is Second Chance Really Worth It?

Okay, this is the second season of Emily in Paris, I wrote a review before for the Season 1 which you can read HERE. It is about a story of an American lady who went to France for work but little did she know, France will change her life not only her work. Emily, upon arriving in France (Reference to Season 1) is literally the epitome of ignorance of culture. She just walks there with her English language without even having the initiative to learn the language which they actually portrayed well in the first season, yes it was funny but a little ignorant now that I realize how I personally not that giddy about the second season. Yes, girl, the second season was rather like a push to finish a cluttered plot.

Okay, I’m gonna start by writing what happens in Season 2. So Emily is getting used to the Paris life, in the last episode of s1, she hooked up with the chef, Gabriel, thinking he will be leaving Paris the next day but she was wrong, apparently she will have to live with the fact that she is now actually the bitch who fucked her best friend’s boyfriend, like good plot, ye? However, the major clutter comes next on the following episodes.

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Single’s Inferno: Did just Koreans Change The Dating Game?

Many of us watches reality TV Shows like Big Brother, Survivor, Fear Factor, and even the dating reality TV Shows like Bachelor and Bachelorette, and the new ones were the Circle, Blind Dating, Too Hot to Handle and these shows were US based and just recently, at the end of 2021, the Korean’s got to enter the reality TV world again by releasing Single’s Inferno.

This TV show is streamed in Netflix with 8 episodes. You wanna know what is it all about? Yes, I will get there. But right now, let me tell you something about Korean Dramas, Music and Culture which been invading the whole world. I mean, it’s not bad, it’s a good thing that finally, asians were not only classified as Chinese, Japanese but also Koreans. Yes, most of my friends in the US still confuses the three cultures which I think is a bit helpful if the world is actually starting to know the difference of each one.

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Harry Potter 20th Anniversary: Return to Hogwarts

From the books up to the reel, J.K. Rowling has won our hearts and for 20 years, Harry Potter has been recruiting high volumes of potter heads from every generations. I know, seeing all the cast together after 20 years is more magical than the FRIENDS reunion.

For those who are not familiar of it, Harry Potter is a 7-series-long book that was written by J.K. Rowling and was adapted into a movie in 2001. It had 8-movie-installment which ended on 2011. Starring in this movie is the ever famous, Daniel Radcliffe as Harry Potter, Emma Watson as Hermione Granger and Rupert Grint as Ron Weasley. Harry Potter is about the story of the wizard world where wizards are trained in a school and the main character is a boy who has been living with muggles or humans who doesn’t have magic. He doesn’t know that his parents were legends from Hogwarts and when the time came, he was invited to study in Hogwarts and the story started from there.

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The Matrix 4, Is This The Closure We All Need?

Matrix – the one and only film that I think had me believing that sci-fi/action movies are a real deal. I haven’t watched Matrix 1 until I was in grade school because of my mom; back when home theaters are still in and we just get to rent movie CDs, a month after the movie was released. I know, I was like in my early grade school when I practically learn to love different genres of movies or should I say, I learn to love movies generally. I wished I just reviewed movies early in my college years just as to show everyone how I actually love watching and try my best to give feedbacks about the scenes I really loved and the scenes I hated. I had so much opinion back then, well anyways, this is not about the past, let’s go back to the main topic, which is The Matrix.

The movie was first released in 1999 and both the 2nd and 3rd sequel were released in 2003. I had the chance to really understand the movie when I was in high school coz that’s the only time I was old enough to understand the whole concept without asking an adult about this-and-that kind of stuff while watching the movie. so the deal is after 20 years, how was the plot had gone? Knowing that they need to come up with a great plot that can make the viewers think that they actually just watched the last sequel as if it was yesterday.

Last December 2021, they managed to fill the void that all the Matrix fans had. One of the question that left us all hanging was Are Neo and Trinity really dead? Yes, coz they actually died on the third sequel which was meant to be the end of the film but is it? or they waited for 20 years to surprise all?

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