The Matrix 4, Is This The Closure We All Need?

Matrix – the one and only film that I think had me believing that sci-fi/action movies are a real deal. I haven’t watched Matrix 1 until I was in grade school because of my mom; back when home theaters are still in and we just get to rent movie CDs, a month after the movie was released. I know, I was like in my early grade school when I practically learn to love different genres of movies or should I say, I learn to love movies generally. I wished I just reviewed movies early in my college years just as to show everyone how I actually love watching and try my best to give feedbacks about the scenes I really loved and the scenes I hated. I had so much opinion back then, well anyways, this is not about the past, let’s go back to the main topic, which is The Matrix.

The movie was first released in 1999 and both the 2nd and 3rd sequel were released in 2003. I had the chance to really understand the movie when I was in high school coz that’s the only time I was old enough to understand the whole concept without asking an adult about this-and-that kind of stuff while watching the movie. so the deal is after 20 years, how was the plot had gone? Knowing that they need to come up with a great plot that can make the viewers think that they actually just watched the last sequel as if it was yesterday.

Last December 2021, they managed to fill the void that all the Matrix fans had. One of the question that left us all hanging was Are Neo and Trinity really dead? Yes, coz they actually died on the third sequel which was meant to be the end of the film but is it? or they waited for 20 years to surprise all?

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