Harry Potter 20th Anniversary: Return to Hogwarts

From the books up to the reel, J.K. Rowling has won our hearts and for 20 years, Harry Potter has been recruiting high volumes of potter heads from every generations. I know, seeing all the cast together after 20 years is more magical than the FRIENDS reunion.

For those who are not familiar of it, Harry Potter is a 7-series-long book that was written by J.K. Rowling and was adapted into a movie in 2001. It had 8-movie-installment which ended on 2011. Starring in this movie is the ever famous, Daniel Radcliffe as Harry Potter, Emma Watson as Hermione Granger and Rupert Grint as Ron Weasley. Harry Potter is about the story of the wizard world where wizards are trained in a school and the main character is a boy who has been living with muggles or humans who doesn’t have magic. He doesn’t know that his parents were legends from Hogwarts and when the time came, he was invited to study in Hogwarts and the story started from there.

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