Harry Potter 20th Anniversary: Return to Hogwarts

From the books up to the reel, J.K. Rowling has won our hearts and for 20 years, Harry Potter has been recruiting high volumes of potter heads from every generations. I know, seeing all the cast together after 20 years is more magical than the FRIENDS reunion.

For those who are not familiar of it, Harry Potter is a 7-series-long book that was written by J.K. Rowling and was adapted into a movie in 2001. It had 8-movie-installment which ended on 2011. Starring in this movie is the ever famous, Daniel Radcliffe as Harry Potter, Emma Watson as Hermione Granger and Rupert Grint as Ron Weasley. Harry Potter is about the story of the wizard world where wizards are trained in a school and the main character is a boy who has been living with muggles or humans who doesn’t have magic. He doesn’t know that his parents were legends from Hogwarts and when the time came, he was invited to study in Hogwarts and the story started from there.

I remember the first time I was introduced to Harry Potter was when my best friend invited us for her 9th birthday and we went to watch Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s stone and it wasn’t actually a normal day to watch a movie but I was mesmerized with the movie and later on kept asking my friend about it and when I turned high school all of my friends were reading the books and that’s the time I was able to read my first book. Books are like expensive that time coz they were famous and every year, they release a new book. I was able to own the whole set of books when I was able to actually buy things on my own. Well, I have a complete set of Harry Potter including the Harry Potter and The Cursed Child at home but when I was in college, I was able to stop it as ebook in my kindle.

All Images were downloaded from google images

Harry Potter was one of the best books in our generation and is enjoyed by the current generations as well. Imagine a 10-year-old being a Potterhead, isn’t magical? I’m so amazed seeing teenagers now enjoying the books more than the new books that are available in the bookstore and I guess it is a good thing because it is good to start a conversation with a 11 year old, asking him/her if he is a Ravenclaw or Gryffindor, well maybe Hufflepuff or a Slytherin. And even in books stores, Harry Potter merchandise are still well loved and even in best seller section. See that? After 20 years, they are still making the world a magical one.

So let’s talk about the latest reunion that was streamed in HBO Max recently. Yes, I know, many of us got excited coz from kids to teenagers, we’ve followed the stars and we’ve idolized all of them growing up. I know coz I did watch most of their movies after Harry Potter, I mean who didn’t? After 20 years, it was all a magical moment to see how they’ve grown, they’ve lived their lives and some of them became lead actors on different TV Series too, just like Alfred Enoch who played as West Gibbins in the famous US Drama-thriller How To Get Away With Murder and Robert Pattinson who played as Edward Cullen in the famous movie series Twilight. Yes, they were in Harry Potter.

I also shipping again for Draco and Hermione and they’ve said it themselves, there’s a special space in each other’s heart that no one will understand! yay! Draco!!!! They could’ve dated in real life!!! haha!

The reunion doesn’t even need a verdict coz it is a perfect show to celebrate the 20th Anniversary of Harry Potter. I love how they were able to interview like almost all the memorable cast in the movie form the first until the last movie. I love how they were able to show us how fun the set were for kids coz that time Harry Potter was like played by youngsters and obviously that’s not easy to handle kids in a set. (That’s me talking as a Film Major!)

The show was in time for everyone to know that ‘hey, we just got a year older’ yes, that’s how I felt like after seeing some of the cast with beards and gold hairs, and even some of them have gotten married and had children. It is just nice to reminisce back to a show that changed almost everyone’s life.

All in all this reunion special is somehow touched even Potterhead’s hearts, it brought back so many memories and it made me realized that Harry Potter was in our life for two decades but everything felt like it was yesterday. This is definitely a 90% wonderroanne rating. For those who haven’t watched it, the show is available in HBO Max.

6 thoughts on “Harry Potter 20th Anniversary: Return to Hogwarts

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