Single’s Inferno: Did just Koreans Change The Dating Game?

Many of us watches reality TV Shows like Big Brother, Survivor, Fear Factor, and even the dating reality TV Shows like Bachelor and Bachelorette, and the new ones were the Circle, Blind Dating, Too Hot to Handle and these shows were US based and just recently, at the end of 2021, the Korean’s got to enter the reality TV world again by releasing Single’s Inferno.

This TV show is streamed in Netflix with 8 episodes. You wanna know what is it all about? Yes, I will get there. But right now, let me tell you something about Korean Dramas, Music and Culture which been invading the whole world. I mean, it’s not bad, it’s a good thing that finally, asians were not only classified as Chinese, Japanese but also Koreans. Yes, most of my friends in the US still confuses the three cultures which I think is a bit helpful if the world is actually starting to know the difference of each one.

I am also amazed how people are open now to accept other nationalities culture just like in Philippines, even some schools are teaching Hangul (Korean language) aside from teaching Mandarin and Nihongo (Japanese Language). Korean culture has been influencing our music industry, let alone having BTS and Blackpink topping the American charts and even almost every country has BLINKS and ARMY. I’m one of them!

Anyway, going back to the main topic, this new Netflix show is a dating game where there are group of men and women stranded in a deserted island just to find love. The twist is they can never know the age and career of each other unless they get a chance to go on a date to Paradise (An extravagant place where they will be able to eat everything they want and know the age and job of their date). However getting in the Paradise is not that easy. The rule is that a couple would be able to choose each other as a date. Those who got no matches will remain the Island for the rest of the the night. Imagine getting left behind with potatoes for dinner and alone in bed? ha! I know the show is a blast!

All Images From: Google Images

Let’s talk about the casts and the happenings in this dating show. (Spoilers Ahead)

  1. The Hosts were just as fun as the players. I mean, the way they react and they are always giddy about whatever is happening. I liked it whenever they get too excited when couples just match together. It was fun if you’re also watching the show. You just get this feeling of excitement beyond everything. Well, of course, we need to talk about the main reason why they are all excited…the players are just so hot!!!! All of them!
  2. Jin Taek – He is the hairy one in the whole group. The hosts were even asking if his chest hair is fake or real! 😂 yes, me too, I did ask that whole watching. I like Jin Taek at first coz he has this determination to really get who he wants (So Yeon), however it all changed after he did this trick with So Yeon and Ji Yeon which was really a player move and I hated it. So in the end, I felt like he was playing safe. Yeah, he was. He’s like looking for a chance to win in every possible way.
  3. So Yeon – she’s actually the lady that we all love and admire for how she handles herself. She knows what she wants and she just goes for it. That’s a factor and it was good enough that in the end Jin Taek, realized that she is a gem.
  4. Yea Won – she’s like the most perfect but underrated of all the girls. I mean, she’s just one of the boys and she gets along well with everyone in the group and I don’t understand why the show gave her little airtime and yes, she could’ve been the asset of the show too however most of the guys were really into one person only.
  5. Ji A – She’s a jewel! I love her. Like she’s the most liked in the group. Three boys were actually trying to get her attention. She’s one of the consistent people who gets to be in the Paradise every night. Like wow, she didn’t even experience a night in the deserted island coz almost all the guys wanted to date her. Well, she’s the jewel of the show, that I can guarantee. She’s also like the twin sister of Jenny from Blackpink.
  6. Hyeon Joong – Ji-a and Hyeon is the perfect couple and they both know that from the start. I love Hyeon the first they showed him in the camera. He’s like the dream boy of every girl who loves Korean Drama leading men. I just love how loyal they both are to each other even though Ji-a was dated by other guys in the show.
  7. Si Hun – He’s the one I pity most. He knows that he has no chance with Ji-a but still in the end of the game, he followed whatever his hearts says. I guess we all do if we are in his shoes. We can’t blame him for trying, yes?
  8. Ji Yeon – She was torn between liking Jin-Taek and Se-hoon, but in the end, she was able to see which of the two really is for her but it was a tough call because she was literally trying to figure out who she likes and it may have took time but it went well. I just don’t like how she played it. She almost lost a partner with her moves.
  9. Se Hoon – Now this guy is one tough guy! He was rejected in the beginning almost every chance he had with Ji Yeon but he never gave up. He tried to get a chance on inviting Ji Yeon to the Paradise. In all episodes he was like the most popular one because of his choices and moves. He likes Ji-Yeon and that’s all he wanted Ji-Yeon to know but Ji-Yeon never saw that coz she was also trying to explore which is pretty normal, I guess. Se-hoon had the chance to be able to meet two other girls who were actually liking him for who he was but later in the show, he still chose Ji-Yeon to have a date with after winning in the challenge. (See that determination?! Yes!) He looks like Song Jong-ki, that’s why I’m also rooting for him to be able to date Ji-Yeon coz he deserves to be noticed which later on happened and all viewers were actually happy for it, although at first it made it seem like he is an idiot for choosing Hi-Yeon despite the two girls fighting for his attention.

The whole show just made me change the way I look at dating shows, I love how they incorporated the modern aspect of dating while preserving the twists of the shows. It just showed me that we still have this romantic bone inside us and we want happy endings more than everything.

All in all, I love the whole damn plot and ending!!! It was really fun, I hope they’ll do a season 2 soon though. I’d definitely give this a 95% wonderroanne rating!

For those who haven’t watched it, please do!!! it’s on Netflix!

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