Emily in Paris: Is Second Chance Really Worth It?

Okay, this is the second season of Emily in Paris, I wrote a review before for the Season 1 which you can read HERE. It is about a story of an American lady who went to France for work but little did she know, France will change her life not only her work. Emily, upon arriving in France (Reference to Season 1) is literally the epitome of ignorance of culture. She just walks there with her English language without even having the initiative to learn the language which they actually portrayed well in the first season, yes it was funny but a little ignorant now that I realize how I personally not that giddy about the second season. Yes, girl, the second season was rather like a push to finish a cluttered plot.

Okay, I’m gonna start by writing what happens in Season 2. So Emily is getting used to the Paris life, in the last episode of s1, she hooked up with the chef, Gabriel, thinking he will be leaving Paris the next day but she was wrong, apparently she will have to live with the fact that she is now actually the bitch who fucked her best friend’s boyfriend, like good plot, ye? However, the major clutter comes next on the following episodes.

Mindy, as we all know, is a Chinese Poster and is not that poor, so obviously her story will roll in her being in her pit of lies and losing the man of her life, which is pretty normal for a rom-com, but I don’t get why is it important in Emily in Paris, other than she is Emily’s roommate and bff? Right?

Let’s go back to that love triangle, Gabriel, Emily and Camille; I personally knew that by the time Camille made that pact of no one among them (Emily and her) will date Gabriel will be the cause of their major clash, coz where could the story go down, aside from Emily betraying her another bff, right? However, what I don’t understand is the whole mix up thing where they had to go to Camille’s family’s house and they had to go through all the fiasco. I’m trying to get the point of the second season, are they mocking the viewers? like they keep on adding people on the screen, why? to make the story a little funny? or to be able to stretch the story in order to get a longer airtime. Well, that’s how I see it, coz there’s no such need of closure with Emily and Camille’s brother, it was funny enough to make him a literally the most awkward moment for Emily in the first season but that doesn’t mean they need to revisit the event and even chop off Camille’s father’s finger. Yeah, it’s a spoiler but I know we already have binged-watch the whole thing, thinking that it is an entirely enticing TV Series just like the Gossip Girl or Sex and The City. I know for a fact that this movie is actually trying to erase those comparison but I just can’t. It’s there, these are THE series that I have enjoyed watching while growing up. All the twist, it’s not gonna win in the side of GG, and the whole plot of being an independent woman trying to step up despite of the man problems, nah uh, that’s Carrie’s shoes.

All Images are downloaded from Google Images

Emily in Paris could’ve just stick on the ignorant American girl adapting life in Paris without even trying to adapt, that’s the main plot at first and all these confusing shambles all around. (I tried to use that word, I know…let it be.) Speaking of fiascos and major distraction in the story, let’s talk about Petra, as we all know, Emily is now starting to learn French, (La langue française est difficile Ă  apprendre.) Yes, I did some basics in French, but I’m very bad at at learning language. lol so anyway, Petra is from Ukraine and basically the show, in my point of view, just tried to tell that Petra is just there to steal things and do nothing good, like Petra looks nice, they could’ve given her more interesting plot than teaching Emily to steal. I know that is somehow offensive to some coz that’s stereotyping. It’s like telling the world, all asians are nurses. Yah feel me?

In the language class, Emily met Alfie, another ignorant English guy who I think matches Emily’s attitude during the first season, coz yes, she’s that arrogant as well for not wanting to learn the language. However, there’s some sort of mysterious vibe with Alfie. Which I really wanted. Is he really a spy? This could be a start for Emily to move on with Gabriel so yes, it’s a bit exciting to know that Emily could actually have a better chance with Alfie than this full of red-flags-Gabriel. Right? But yes, not all end in happy ending, Alfie has to be back in UK and do a long distance relationship with Emily, and that sucks!

Alfie and Emily

Well, I was hoping they would use the French language more often this time but, yes, apparently, they are now all speaking in English suddenly. Well, anyway, I love Sylvie, but if they are actually trying to represent French people as naturally polygamous, then I’m not sure if I still like the TV Series. Sylvie is having an affair with Antoine, but we learn in this season that she is legally married but then again she has a young boyfriend too. Like…wow, Sylvie, way to go! She’s like the Samantha in this story, yes? And perfectly incapable of love as well, that’s how they made Samantha in Sex and the City, so yes, the similarity is well…a little obvious.

With Gabriel and Camille, I don’t actually like to talk about them coz they actually remind me of those ex who are best of friends as they say but still have feelings for each other and Gabriel is a playboy, that’s for sure. I guess I’m just not too satisfied of him trying to flirt with Emily and then actually laying two nests all at once. He is the major example of a huge red flag when it comes to guys who will just make you fall in love and then later on just confuse you with all the sweet lies. Yeah! We need to talk about that in my podcast, right?

How about the coming go Madeline in Paris, turning Savoir into a military camp? Yes, I know, adding Madeline will not solve the fiasco, it just created a huge fire. Having to handle Savoir and getting Sylvie to step out of the company is actually not so connected in the plot and now, at the end of the series, everyone just left Savoir and they are actually going to make a new company to work with, all of them and that includes our lady, Emily. Yes, she’s staying in Paris so that means she is rather stock with seeing Gabriel and getting into a more than 2-hour train to UK just to see his Brit-man. and yes, that means, Season 3 and 4 is already cooking. I hope the next seasons will be more compact and precise especially the plot.

All in all, you can feel my verdict from the very start. I liked the series but not as much as the first one. I think this season was a little crowded because of all the stories behind everything. It’s like each of them needs an episode of their own because they have lots and lots of plots to offer. There has been theories also that Alfie was sent by Camille’s mother which probably is somehow interesting because the last words from Alfie were matching to which he is now falling in love with Emily and has a reason to like Paris more, but yes, would be a big slap coz hey! Camille and her family has been all over the place.

Anyway, I will give this 85% wonderroanne rating because I found potentials of improvement and as well as future to really bloom if only is given a right way to compress plots and if they make it more connected.

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