Spiderman: No Way Home (A Blow-by-Blow Reaction) Part 1 of 2 Moviews

Okay this is the start of a new chapter for our friendly neighborhood Spiderman. Yes, this sequel comes after the scene where Mysterio was killed in the battle of Spiderman however, there was a huge turn of events. You see, I’m starting this article not with my normal lead paragraph in which I get to tell you the $700 Million Blockbuster ticket sales for the first five days after the release or did I? Yap! First day it hit the cinemas everyone is in their seats, with their popcorns and sodas, with cellphones on silent. I know, this is probably not the end game but this is Spiderman. This dude can outlive sales of all the DC movies even without the avengers’ name in the title. (For a DC fan to say that, Spiderman really can have his own universe and still keep staggering sales)

Anyway, back to the blog, you may have noticed the title, I said blow by blow, this term is actually used in journalism and especially in Broadcasting, it means it is a narrative of all the details in order to give a more precise information. This is actually done during reports. I know of it coz I majored in journalism so, I think as an avid fan of Spiderman, my readers deserve my blow by blow reactions in this installment. As you see I have watched all Spiderman movies and read most of the comics even the new Venom movies, I had written all of them in my blog so for me to give an insight on how I actually fill my notes while I watch the movie, yes, I take notes while watching the movie, I think this could help reader understand my entire excitement while watching the movie. This could be the longest article I will be writing (despite my writer’s block) and I hope I do some justice on explaining some events that were actually connected in the MCU universe and my verdict of the movie and post credits.

Again, just a disclaimer, I managed to keep my notes to myself, for more than a month since the day of the release. I promise my readers not to spoil it by writing it a little early coz some countries haven’t watched the Spiderman yet because of pandemic situation. This will be a full on spoiler post. So for those who haven’t watch, stop right here and don’t click more or scroll more. But for those who did, click more and let’s begin the exciting reaction while watching the film.

Notes: Dec 17, 2021 (Reactions while watching the movie)

1. Okay, Mysterio!!! So what happens now?! Omg! Now there’s MJ! Hahaha! Three spidermen past and they still hate him and considers him a vigilante.

2. Haha! Is that the rich classmate they had? Ha so now he discovers Peter is actually cool 😎

3. Flung!? Hahaha Happy and Aunt May is such so cute but I guess having aunt May as older could’ve been more familiar.

4. How am I not surprised J Jonah Jameson will be the reporter who will reveal Spiderman just like the ones in the first Spiderman? Ha!

5. Funny how Ned and MJ just gets to have more airtime too. I like it.

6. But I think the whole plot doesn’t make sense to me yet.

7. So Peter Parker is having legal problems because of allegedly killing Mysterio. Oh, wait! The blind lawyer is Cox Murdock!!! Daredevil!!! What effin mystery is this??? Is Daredevil gonna be included in the newest MCU? Haha! Reflexes, duh? Of course he will or he might come back as Daredevil!!!!

8. So this is where the story starts? Uhm, I completely forgot they are still students and they need to go to college. So how they will do that if everyone knows Peter?

9. I’m sure there’s a twist in this MJ and Peter love story. Coz why they be like this. Haha! Yes, we hear you, Happy.

10. Spider babies 👶🏻

11. Hahaha Where we shape heroes 🦸‍♂️ everyone is just all over the place. How will he live normally?

12. How am I not surprised for them not getting into college? Yes coz being spiderman and knowing spiderman is kind of a curse right at this very moment.

13. Dr. Stranger’s place is like another world inside the world. Hahaha I wish I could have a room that snows or gets a sun to do tanning.

14. Steven 🤣

15. Uhm, yes, even The Flash from DC knows this, if you change the future or do something in the past, everything will change. So I guess that’s what Peter doesn’t know yet.

16. Wong!!! 🤣

17. Everyone will forget Spiderman. Haha! Peter, why are you messing up with the spell?

Images were download form Google Images

18. What is a Ned? 🤣

19. Haha! He asked Dr. Stranger but didn’t call the school to reconsider. Haha so now he is trying to ask MIT in suits and in the streets. 😂 he just said, MIT is dumb.

20. What the fudge!!!! Dr. Octo!!! This is exciting!

21. Oh shit, now Peter needs to save the lady and maybe it can help him change MIT’s decision yeah? Ha! Nice

22. The reunion is getting exciting. One enemy is out. Who is next?

23. The kids beside me knows Dr. Octo! Hahaha nice!

24. Remember the scene where mary jane was inside a taxi and the taxi was hanged same at the car right now? Wow. Is this intentional?

25. So he is not Peter. This could be a sign that a possible reunion is really out there.

26. If only they knew how nano tech works in the first movies…

27. Oooh, now that’s what we call a hero moment. He gets to have that MIT.

28. No wayyyyyy! This early! Villains from The first Spiderman are there! Two enemies out! Dr. Osborn from Spider-man is out too!

29. Multiverse is real only if they used it also during the endgame, could’ve been helpful.

30. Peter is still clueless!

31. Magic = birthday parties! 🤣

32. What does ned means by tingling in his hands, obviously I don’t know that as a Filipino. I don’t think we have magic, guys!

33. Dr. Stranger is the one giving this movie comedy. Scooby-doo this shit. 🥲🤣

34. Dr. Otto is actually a good man even in the Spider-man movie, just got a little too greedy. I get why he decided to be cooperative.

35. Electroooooo! Yaaas!

36. Hahaha reinventing FaceTime haha did Peter just put his phone on his chest and video call mj and ned? Streaming the whole team.

36. Omg! Sandman! Flint! Omg! Omg! Who else is here for the reunion?! The kids beside me are exciting just as I am! I’m so glad they watched the other movies too. Those were like old school, and these kids are like 9-11 years old. Good job parents!

37. Oh shit. Dr. Lizard (Connors) so two villains from The Amazing Spiderman are out too. Four from Spider-Man! I can sense some more! Give it to me now!

38. I think Green Goblin will be the main villain here. I’m very sure if that. Norman Osborn may be confused but I think Green Goblin will still be able to swallow him whole.

39. They all need help and I guess, this movie will give these villains closure? Well, I hope.

40. Oh now they can reverse it however, if they send them back they will still die and I think Peter won’t let that happen.

41. Damn! Peter is just a stubborn one! Just like the other Peter Parker

42. The cape! 😂

43. The visuals! This is making me dizzy 🥴 but in a good way. I think I need the mirror dimension sometime in my life too.

44. Oh shit! Geometry 📐! Peter just beats strange with Math! I hate math! Haha but Peter!!!!

45. Well, Peter is promising them second chance. Imagine villains having second life in their universe? I don’t think that balances the universe. For sure there will be consequences.

46. Ned is feeling the tingling. 😲 Is this because of Dr. Stranger’s ring?

47. Okay, so they will fix Dr. Otto. I mean the technology Peter has is extraordinarily different from theirs before.

48. Fresh water or salt? 😂 She thought he is an actual Octopus 🐙.

49. Commute to another universe… is this a hint?

50. I think jamie foxx will bent. He will think that he is being experimented in and he will just snap. I’m sure of it.

52. Oh no! Goblin is back! Shit! I knew something is off!

53. Omg! Aunt may!!! The glider!!!

54. With great power comes with great responsibility. There she said it.

55. This is so heart breaking! This is like losing uncle ben all over again!!!! 😢🥺

56. Ned is trying to do magic! Omg! Who is that?!

57. Salamankero!!! Hahaha

58. Holy damn!!!! Andrew Garfield! Omg! Omg! Everyone in the cinema is actually cheering 📣! Give us Toby too please!!!!

59. 😂 Neds lola (grandma) just asked spiderman to clean the web. Hahaha she’s funny!

60. Omg!!! Toby! I’m crying! Literally crying! Omg! I’m overwhelmed right now.

61. Hahaha Ned’s lola just sounded like my grandma! Funny!

62. Omg! I’m still crying! I cannot contain this! Even the kids beside me are still in shock!

63. I think there’s gonna be some comparisons who’s who, what they can do and not do. I think so. I can’t wait for them to be in one screen!

64. Omg! Haha this is it!!! Three Spiderman in one screen. Hey Peter 3, they also know coz they lost uncle ben. You finish this, Peter 3! That’s unfair!

65. Yes, so this I guess the closure that all the fans needed! Yes, even how they regret the deaths happened in their own universe.

66. Ned is scared hahaha 😝

67. Omg! Peter 2 is actually jealous. Coz he is still not moved on from his MJ’s death. I’m crying!

68. So Peter 1’s MJ maybe they are still together and with kids. Yeah? I wanna see that too.

69. Hahaha I forgot that Peter 1 was bitten by spider and literally has webs coming out of his body and the other two had the instrument to shoot the webs only using a watch or wristband.

70. I can’t wait to see 3 Spiderman wearing three different suits!

71. Peter 1 and his backpain reminds me of myself now. Need some cracking over here.

72. Hahaha web block!!!!

73. Now they are comparing! And I think Peter 1 is hinting on Venom too! The hints are everywhere.

74. Oh shit, I cannot figure out how they put the numbers haha but for me, peter 1 is toby, peter 2 is andrew and peter 3 is tom.

75. Oh em gee! Of course the two don’t know the Avengers! Hahaha 🤣

76. The pose!!! The pose!!! Omg! That is the spiderman signature pose! 😍

77. Dr. Octo saving the day this time. Yes!

78. The cure is working and men! Here’s Dr. Strange is finally back. Haha but of course, it’s about to be done.

79. Hahaha of course Jamie will give a joke about expecting Spiderman in his universe to be in his color. Well, Jamie, Miles Morales is still out there somewhere.

80. Omg! Peter 2 caught MJ! I’m crying! This js a major closure for him! I’m still crying!!!!

okay this ends my reactions coz this deserves to be focused at. The action is just bringing me goosebumps. Imma finish this film and will go on the moview.

The Verdict(Part 1)

Okay, so we are in this part where I need to tell you guys what I think of the movie, first, I would love to say that I’m completely overwhelmed that until now, I’m crying and I cannot believe that I have seen such events that I needed to see as an avid fan of Spiderman. This is a once in a lifetime chance that we get to see Toby and Andrew wearing the Spiderman suit again despite Andrew denying the leaks to the media until the everyone see for themselves. I think having no spoilers just made this whole reunion as exciting as any reunions out there.

Let’s talk about the plot, Since everyone knew who Peter is, it will be a big problem for Peter to keep his loved ones in safety, this is what all the spidermen form all universe, or should I say heroes that is hiding their identities, is trying to avoid so I think it was only right thing to ask for Dr. Strange’s help to wipe out everyone’s memory. Having the multiverse open, just means so many possibilities. But will talk about that later.

Let’s talk about the closure of the two Spiderman. Spider-man and The Amazing Spiderman were the installment that weren’t connected with the MCU that’s why I think it was harder for them to connect the stories in the previous MCU so they had to fix it by making a third Spiderman, however, of course, fans of the two Spiderman will be completely confused especially that the story of Tom’s Peter Parker is a little different. Tom has Tony Stark and the Avengers, so that’s the major difference. So I think the writers for the new Spiderman thought that the only way to get a closure is to make a multiverse just as not to confuse the fans. Opening a multiverse has possibilities of them understanding the change.

In the latest movie, Spider-man’s villains, Green Goblin, Dr. Octo & Sandman have their own stories too in the installment of three Spider-man movies and The Amazing Spiderman villains, Max and Dr. Connors, didn’t get a chance to have that stories to finish as well so they manage to change that story by trying to fix them in a universe where technology is actually more advanced that what they have in their universe.

For Spider-man, Toby Maguire, his closure was to help Norman, Flint and Dr. Otto, and it was logically appropriate to get the cure in another universe, same goes with The Amazing Spiderman, Andrew Garfield’s closure however, the main closure for Andrew was the part where he was able to catch MJ which he wasn’t able to fulfill when Gwen fell and died because he didn’t catch her on time. That moment was one of the best moments in the movie. Plus I love how Andrew just expresses his excitement for having brothers, Peter 1 and Peter 3.

What gave me goosebumps was when the three just seen in one screen, it was like more than exciting than the endgame or the reunion of all the Power Rangers. I see how they had to do all these closure because they wanted to give the fans the closure for the two Spiderman series that didn’t have any endings, coz they just changed the story and started with a new one.

In the end, Spiderman had to give up and just let Dr. Strange erase the memories of everyone who knows him and be as if they never met. Peter even said in his goodbye to MJ that he will find her and he will make her remember, I think there will be more story open that so we need to stay tuned coz I think that another hint.

And I think since Dr. Stranger cannot contain people from another universe to enter that moment, I think somehow, remnants were able to enter their universe which I think is another story again. The whole movie is full of hints and possibilities and I think I’m very excited to talk about that soon.

Now, I know everyone is waiting for this part, where I am going to tell you more about the MCU and the Comic comparisons of the new Spiderman movie, but I have to cut this short coz I think that deserves another blog post so I’m going to have a part for this Spiderman Moview and that includes my final verdict for the whole movie and also, bonus points explaining the post credit scenes!

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