Traveling In A Ticking Time (The Adam Project Moview)

Back to the future, Time Traveler’s Wife, About Time, Tenet just some of my favorite time travel movies, yes, you read that right, and now, Netflix has yet again made a new movie which focuses on time traveling. I know it is very futuristic but who doesn’t want to time travel? Who doesn’t want to know if their bigger self is gonna be successful or something else? Who doesn’t want for them to know whom they will end up with or if are they going to end up with anyone? Yes, I know, knowing the future sounds a little bit tempting coz if I would know that I’m gonna be a big shot in the near future, maybe a known movie reviewer possibly, I will keep this thing that I do and just think of that as a motivation or if I’m gonna fail in the future, at least I will have the chance to change the future but of course the altercation may cause so much things in the history but yes, that’s gonna be awesome. I wouldn’t have to worry about deciding on thing coz I will know eventually.

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One Of Us Is Lying (A Moview)

After Riverdale, Pretty Little Liars, Elite and so much more TV series that are based in a thriller, suspense genre which likely perceives a dark side of high school kind of thing, yet another thrilling story that will question all your trust when it comes to people, is released by Netflix. Yes, I know my intro is kinda crooked but yes, I have been watching so many TV Series lately that I think everything is just the same. One killed one, one lied about it and one will be blamed for it. That’s basically how the story goes nowadays but don’t you agree? Like there’s some kind of standard when it comes to making thriller and mind-bugging shows and to top it all of we just need to determine which TV series that was previously released best saves similarities of this new one. I know, it’s a lot to take in for an introduction, it’s the same as watching slasher movies all over again but you already know that the one who acted dumb is the killer.

OOUIL (One of us is lying) is the new released TV series about 4 high school students with different backgrounds getting framed for their schoolmate’s death; this is based from the mystery/suspense novel of the same titled written by Karen McManus. The series revolves around the time when everyone has suspected the four students of the crime and every episode will spark investigation and story telling for every each of the characters including their possible involvement in the case but are they really innocent? Well, in the TV Series we will know for sure.

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Reality Shows For Singles (Too Hot to Handle & Love is Blind Moview)

They said that love is blind and that you can fall in love with just knowing someone and having a deeper connection and folks, that’s what these dating reality shows are proving to us. Love is Blind is about finding a fiancé and marrying them in the span of weeks but the twist is that they will be going on a date with 14 different people inside a pod where they won’t be able to see each other. They will be all dating blindly. If after few days and they found their match, then they can propose to the other person on the other pod whom they think they want to spend the rest of their life. If the other party accepts the proposal, they will finally meet each other outside the pods and will be able to spend few weeks before their wedding. Sounds a bit impulsive right? Wait until you read about Too Hot to Handle, coz this show is way different.

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A Weekend Away (A Moview)

Remember when Leighton Meester played as a creepy roommate in 2011? Yes, I do, and that’s one of the reason I chose to have a dorm room of my own when I was in university…just coz…And this is also played by Christina Wolfe, you know her, she’s the latest Batwoman. Yes, I knowLeighton Meester is the OG.

Anyway, it’s been a long time since I saw Leighton in the limelight ever since Gossip Girl, and I think this new Netflix movie she is starring is giving us the Leighton we missed. The story is about best friends spending the time abroad for a weekend to party and catch up, that’s all we do, right? But what will you do if the weekend you expected to be just a weekend full of fun turns out to be a weekend you will regret having? And what if you wake up only to find out later on that your friend died? or worst, what will you do if you became the prime suspect in a murder case?

Yes, getting the chills yet? The story is quite interesting but not everyone knows that this story was adapted from a book of the same title that was published last 2020 and written by Sarah Alderson. I have read the book before so I get all the heads up here while watching the movie but of course, they won’t follow the book as is, although I think getting to compress the whole story in just an hour and thirty minutes is a little challenging. Do you wanna know the differences from the book VS the movie? I mean, scroll down if you do!

Like the usual, if you want to see some spoilers on both novel and the film then here’s your key…

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In The World Of Swindlers (A Moview of Inventing Anna and Tinder Swindler)

How very often do we visit the social media and just find fake news and scams? Even in our emails, text messages and in the real world, we get to meet or experience scammers. When I was in university, our thesis study was about Internet Shopping, which definitely calls for scammers. We can see nowadays how scams are happening when it comes to online shopping, like you’re gonna buy an item and receive a completely different item. I’m sure you’ve seen those memes also. But scammers are not just only in online shopping, they are actually everywhere, but what if the scammer is the one you love or the one you let in your circle? Are you really reading everyone right or you should learn more on screening scammers?

Well, this article is a back to back review of the recent Netflix shows that trended for weeks, Tinder Swindler and Inventing Anna. Let’s start with Inventing Anna because this is actually on trend especially now that designer brands and socialites are hitting the limelights. This show was actually inspired by the story of the socialite-wanna-be who embezzled or should I say borrow and never paid anything, Anna Delvey or Anna Sorokin, as her real name. Anna entered the world of IT people of NYC, introducing herself as a German heiress who has a billions of trust fund. Slowly, when she arrived NYC, she gained friends from different industry, especially the big ones. The show definitely put a fictional reenactment on whatever happened with Anna Delvey while living in New York until her trial but of course some of the events were a work of fiction only but if you read articles and watch documentaries about her, the show and the documentaries were almost identical. I love how they didn’t change much but they just made some events that weren’t actually clear on reports. There were also theories made which led us to thinking that, yes, maybe she is really is, or she really did that.

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Spiderman: No Way Home (A Moview) Part 2 (Spoiler)

For those who haven’t read the part 1 of my moviews, I wrote my sentiments while watching the film, here’s the article and you can read HERE. So this second part of my review will focus on the comparison of the Spiderman: No Way Home and comics versions, post credit scenes and the possibility and futures of the Marvel Cinematic Universe.

If you’re still reading this even after so many warnings that this contains spoiler from the movies, then you might have watched the movie already, so yes, go scroll down, but if not, don’t blame me for spoiling so much! ✌🏻(At this point, I believe that everyone have watched the movie and spoilers is okay.)

Images were from Google Images

Comic to Movie Comparison

The plot line for Spiderman: No Way Home is more similar to the comic version The Amazing Spiderman: One More Day which was published in 2007. This is a 4-part comic story where the crossover for 3 Spiderman happens and yes, I can tell you it is definitely adapted on that story but of course, changes are there to be able to match the current MCU timeline.

In the comics, Aunt May dies of gunshot wound that happened in the Civil War, while in the movie she dies because of a wound caused by Goblin’s glider. In the movie, Peter focused on fixing his present day situation and asked the help of Dr. Strange to erase the world’s memories of his identity. In the comics, He seeks the help from Tony Stark and Dr. Strange to bring back Aunt May’s life; and I believed he seek Dr. Doom and and Dr. Octopus for help.

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