One Of Us Is Lying (A Moview)

After Riverdale, Pretty Little Liars, Elite and so much more TV series that are based in a thriller, suspense genre which likely perceives a dark side of high school kind of thing, yet another thrilling story that will question all your trust when it comes to people, is released by Netflix. Yes, I know my intro is kinda crooked but yes, I have been watching so many TV Series lately that I think everything is just the same. One killed one, one lied about it and one will be blamed for it. That’s basically how the story goes nowadays but don’t you agree? Like there’s some kind of standard when it comes to making thriller and mind-bugging shows and to top it all of we just need to determine which TV series that was previously released best saves similarities of this new one. I know, it’s a lot to take in for an introduction, it’s the same as watching slasher movies all over again but you already know that the one who acted dumb is the killer.

OOUIL (One of us is lying) is the new released TV series about 4 high school students with different backgrounds getting framed for their schoolmate’s death; this is based from the mystery/suspense novel of the same titled written by Karen McManus. The series revolves around the time when everyone has suspected the four students of the crime and every episode will spark investigation and story telling for every each of the characters including their possible involvement in the case but are they really innocent? Well, in the TV Series we will know for sure.

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