Failure To Post

As you see, I have not yet posted any episode for my Podcast. I don’t how to tell this guys but there’s so much stress going on for the last year that made me rethink of sharing my thoughts with you all guys. This is the first time I am opening up about the reason why there’s no follow up episode anymore. Correct, I have so many plans back then but I felt like the stress, anxieties and everything that’s been going on in my life was giving me all this negative vibes that turned into laziness, lacking of creativity.

In reality, I have been trying so hard to come back to the publishing world. I wanted to write good pieces so bad that I’m getting frustrated by just thinking of not being able to match the standard that I have before. I had so may set backs and I feel like getting into the podcast is not perfect idea at the moment and so I decided to just leave the podcast hanging which is not very good. I know everyone wanted to hear so many things about me, my experiences in life and my learning but I think the depression lingering inside me got scared that I will not fulfill whatever was planned. I got paralyzed to thinking that I will not be able to finish what I have started again and so…it happened.

The only thing that keeps me from writing is the eagerness to free my mind with the writer’s block that I have been experiencing for years now and I don’t think keeping myself being lazy and incapable of moving forward is the answer. And so, I decided to pat myself and say, “Let’s start all over again and will make sure this will not stop.”

I know this might be a late thing to do but I guess if I will slowly start all over again, I will be able to create masterpieces. I will start to love again the things that I fallen out of love before. I will try my best to read books, write poems and practice my writing again. This part of creating my website for movie reviews was actually a start and I hope by continuing my podcast again, this will spark a lost creativity in me. I know many people, especially those who don’t know me yet have supported me all the way in this journey will be more delighted if I am being able to be myself again.

I am trying my best to adjust and adapt on my new normal, with the busy job that I have and the massive hobbies that I wanted to bring back, I guess it is a battle but I believe if I don’t start now, I won’t be able to know how it will go. Time management is maybe the thing that I need and a little push to inspire is big part of it. I will promise you that someday, I will hit the POST button again and will be back to sharing my thoughts.

All I want to do now is start and try to get my finish line, which is basically getting back into writing articles and posting podcast. hopefully that you will be more supportive once I come back.

Thank you.

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