The Ultimatum: Marry Or Move On

I know, I have reviewed few dating reality shows but trust me, this one is a new one and I think it is a little bit cringy but informative at the same time. We all know that dating reality TV shows end up either you get a chance to go home with a partner or just go home still single but this one is way in the flip side of things.

The Ultimatum, is a new show hosted by Nick and Vanessa Lachey, the hosts of Love is Blind. It is a bout couples who wanted to give their partners an Ultimatum whether they want to get married or move on with their lives without each other. There were at least six couples who were tested in the show. All they need to do is meet other couples and choose a potential new lover, it’s like couple switching in which the main challenge is, after the weeks of being with their new chosen partners, are they going to still go back to their previous partners or they finally realized that they just met someone who has change their lives in just few weeks.

At first, I felt a little cringe while watching it coz you’re basically sending your partner into temptation and yes, it’s gonna be a challenge for you too coz you’ll also be living with someone you have never met before and suddenly you will act as if you’ve been together for such a long time, even the meeting the family part was crucial. It’s like the show is trying to make the couples realize, if is marrying the other person is really what they want or they can change their perspective when it comes to life and marriage.

The show is rather crazy that it seems to be, like seriously, who would want to see their partners getting all cozy with someone and they’ll be living in one roof for a few weeks, of course, it’s either they will control themselves or fall into the pit of weakness where you just fell into the desire you feel towards someone else.

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The Verdict

All I can say is just wow! Damn! First of all, there’s no way I’m gonna agree on something like that but I do feel whatever the person who gave an ultimatum feels. Sometimes, you fall for someone so hard and you spend life together for quite sometime but still they are not ready to move to the next chapter of your lives which is marriage. Maybe because many are scared to even get married or in some cases they wanted to be financially ready too. Getting married is not just some kind of paper or something you can have just because you like it; marriage is something that you need to be serious and sure about.

In all fairness to the couples who joined, I had my favorites and the least ones too. Let’s talk about each couples one by one.

  1. Randall and Shanique – They are definitely my favorite at first coz Shanique is the normal type of lady that wants her man to be involved in everything while Randall is the normal happy-go-lucky guy that you meet in college and end up breaking up after you graduate coz you realize that he doesn’t want to plan any future anytime soon.
  2. April and Jake – now that’s the relationship that I’m familiar about coz that’s the relationship that I had before and damn, it was so toxic af. April is an independent woman, so if money is the problem for Jake then, he doesn’t have to worry coz April seems to be so ready to even pay the wedding, all she needs is for Jake to propose. Jake though is not seeing April eye-to-eye, their relationship is just there for everyone to just be jealous of. But in reality, Jake has no plans on popping the question to April. I liked them too but once a Jake, always a Jake. haha! 😂
  3. Rae and Zay – now this couple is the most confusing one. Rae is just so confused that she cannot even decided whether really love her boyfriend, Zay or she just can’t find a reason to break-up with him so she just wanted to get an ultimatum just to send Zay. She all over the place, that’s all I can say but yes, also Say has some partake on this; he can’t lower his pride for the lady that’s why they always clash which causes mainly their fights on and off camera.
  4. Madlyn and Colby – Perfect looking couple on the outside but it’s pretty sad to be part of their relationship if that’s what you call it. Madlyn was the one given an ultimatum by Colby and the minute she gets in to meeting other guys, she literally caught Randall’s eyes. She wanted him more than she wanted her boyfriend which is really cringey. All the red flags waved in front of her but still…
  5. Alexis and Hunter – Well, at first I thought Alexis is one of the girls that we will hate all throughout the season but yes, she started like Shaina of Love is Blind and ended up nicer than anyone else in the show. I love how they suddenly realized that they cannot live with someone else and they cannot see someone living with their partner and so, Hunter decided to propose to Alexis right before they choose who to be with on the day of choosing their match. It was the sweetest gesture of all because it’s just how ultimatum works, you give someone ultimatum and you realize that yes, this is it, I wanna live with this person no matter what and who he/she is.
  6. Lauren and Nate – they are all over the place, like literally. This couple is the main event, if you thought it was Alexis and Hunter, no, they are. Lauren was given an ultimatum because of her point of view for not wanting kids while Nate during the matching process, he has been all over the place, trying to match with everyone, especially with Madlyn which was really awkward when they were about to choose, he even mouthed to Madlyn that he is gonna choose her until he heard the intentions of Colby and then bam! He suddenly stood up and went o Lauren, proposing. Despite the main problem of Lauren not wanting kids, he said that he is okay with that and Lauren is his only family. Well, I guess we just didn’t understand or maybe they are in the right moment but wrong time because they overstepped the limelight just to be the star of that night, well that’s how everyone saw it and it was nothing but a sham that’s what everyone thinks. I guess, we just don’t know whatever is going on someone’s head until they speak them out loud.

The Reunion

Obviously, there were some turn of events but I think having to get to know them all is good, I mean, I loved how the idea worked for some of them but if I’m gonna have the chance to do it, I don’t think that I can coz if I’m with someone and they are not even trying hard to build a future with me, I guess I will just walk away, especially now that I’m in the right age to settle, I wouldn’t want to waste time with someone who will just end up breaking up with me just because they don’t want to marry, but I wouldn’t do it in the national TV nor do a match-making with strangers just to prove that this person loves me coz I believe that if he really does then he would want to spend the rest of his life with me and will not wait for some kind of ultimatum.

In the reunion, Colby and Madlyn are still married, and expecting. Hunter and Alexis are still engaged and so as Lauren and Nate. Shanique and Randall, Jake and Rae are not together anymore. April is in a serious relationship where she found someone who literally wants to marry her and she is reminded of it every day, which was good compare to when she was with Jake, she’s just gonna wait in vain while Jake is getting some kind of attraction with other booty. Zay is still Zay, still hating Rae and yes, there was some heated debate that made him walkaway of the studio. Maybe some exes just don’t move on and sometimes that’s how you see the toxicity of the relationship.

All in all, I kind of liked the show but the concept itself is made to ruin a relationship that is already in the edge of a cliff. It is meant for people who cannot find their answers even if they ask they partners. I would give this 83% wonderroanne rating. It needs more polish, I could say. It’s not too hot to handle and it’s not too daring as love is blind, it’s just like you are trying to see if this relationship will turn into marriage or be ruined by consented cheating, yes, I see it as consented cheating; it is as if they agreed on having an open relationship, right? Well, anyways, I look forward for another season, maybe there’s more to love if we end up watching another season.

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