How Life Works With Anxieties?

Every day is a challenge. When was the last time you sat down and know yourself? When was the last time you evaluate how you feel? or when was the last time you were able to control your anger or tears in public? There are so many questions lying around when we talk about mental health. It starts when people ask you “How do you feel?” Coz that simple question is literally a million-dollar worth for a person who doesn’t even know what to feel.

Depression, Anxieties, Panic attacks, they all bring something in someone that we don’t understand; one thing that I learned while experiencing the same is that people will question the validity of the things that you feel; “All of a sudden you change your mood?” these are the words that a person with depression is scared to hear; feeling that whatever they are experiencing is a little invalid for everyone. Coz yes, not everyone will understand you, but you don’t have to explain whatever you feel to anyone. Whatever you feel, it is valid.

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Top Gun: Maverick

When they say it’s a Tom Cruise movie, of course we all know a good TC movie, it will definitely involve high-end stunts that is surely done by Tom Cruise himself, care to know which of the movies he did? Well, most especially the extraordinary ones in Mission Impossible movies series. Don’t get me wrong, TC is like a legend like Liam Neeson and I’d vouch for him at all times. It’s like rooting for Keanu Reeves for all the sci-fi movies. Yes, a bias fan right there.

Anyway, last May 2022, directed by Joseph Kosinski, who is widely know for his work, Tron Legacy and Oblivion, released a new movie for Top Gun series, following the 1986 movie, Top Gun: Maverick is the most recent movie after more than 36 years. Which definitely suits the pride of the previous Top Gun movie.

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The Kardashians

Everyone who knows me just definitely automatically agree that I am one of the Keeping Up With The Kardashians show addict and having them say goodbye for their last season just made me sad. It’s like reading a book and surprisingly, the book doesn’t have a sequel and it just makes you crazy. You know me, I love good reality shows!

I think this is just me as a fan, but watching them for a while just made me see how real people they are and they just make mistakes, get hurt, fall in love, gets upset, gets into argument, gets happy and ecstatic just like normal people do. Many viewers think they just do everything for the show, maybe, but having cameras everywhere while you live your life is like having everyone watch you and have their opinion about you even if they don’t know you that much.

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Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness: Does It Fit The Title Though?

Marvel has been really doing an upgrade to its movies especially to this phase four lately, but what Marvel doesn’t know is that they’re kinda overdoing it and it’s kinda affecting the product that they are giving the viewers. Let’s just say this movie is quite a big follow-up especially how a huge success was the Spiderman: No Way Home was. But what they failed to see is people will start comparing this movie to that multi-verse plot especially with how it will fall as a possible continuation for all the multiverse movies that they will make.

As strange as it sounds, picking up from Spiderman to this is kinda taking so many loop holes but since Spiderman is taken over by Sony, I guess there will be enough reasons to consider that Marvel is actually trying to revive a plot and making a new one after the Spiderman exit. Spiderman series is just doing its own thing but the Marvel Phase Four was dented. So how can this movie changed the possible future for MCU?

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The Secrets of Dumbledore: A What Now?!

April was never my favorite month this year because most of the movies I saw were far from the movies that I loved in the previous months. All I’m saying is, movies being released lately are either boring or doesn’t even have the edge. Don’t get me wrong but I’m a Harry Potter fan but Fantastic Beasts has never been a favorite for me. Although this series can be a stand alone, in fact, you don’t really need to know who’s who in HP movies just to know the Fantastic beasts characters.

I’ve got to say, I tried my best to finish the movie and think about something good to say however, yes, the first film was okay but second one and the one released in April, they don’t seem so appealing to me. You wanna know why? I guess you will have to click more !

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Morbius (A Moview)

I don’t know why this took me this long to write a review for one Marvel movie. Sometimes, just like in reading books, we get this pause and we just think what’s the sense of this? I know it will be such a disappointment to my Marvel-fan readers but this is the reality, there are movies that don’t fit well on the course of the reviews. But I believe I can actually write a good thing about the latest Morbius movie that was released last April.

Well if you still feel curious about how this movie became a flop but somehow managed to survive the judgement of the entire Marvel-fan community, well, better to click more!

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