The Fall (A Moview)

Rating: 4.5 out of 5.

Okay, if you have a phobia with heights, then this movie is definitely not for you coz it will make your hands sweat and you’ll just gonna feel sick but if you’re an adventurer, then let’s talk about this movie further, coz I can assure you, this is the best movie after 127 Hours. This movie is directed by Scott Mann, who directed some action movies in the past.

This review will definitely have some major spoilers so please, read at your own risk.

The Synopsis

The movie is about friends who loved rock climbing, however, in the midst of a dangerous climb, one of them fell and left two friends having trauma to even hike again. But how can you move on by staying grounded when all you ever wanted to do is to go extreme? Two best of friends, Becky and Hunter just are the most adrenaline junkies ever, after Becky’s boyfriend died because of the fall, the two decided to say goodbye to their friend by trying out to climb an abandoned radio tower which was 2,000 feet high above ground. Yes, it’s like you’re literally in the top of the world.

The climb was way easier at the beginning but it went way harder while they get to the top, with only one backpack with everything that they have, the two tried at the maximum strength to be able to climb the top. Once they were in the top, they were able to take picture and everything. However, on their way down, everything went from 10 to zero because it gets trickier when the ladder of the tower fell, leaving them with no instruments to be able to come back down the ground. They waited for hours to think about what they can do, at first, they tried to post something but no signal service so they tried to put Hunter’s phone in her shoe and drop it, thinking that it can get signal once it reached the ground and her followers will be able to read her post but hours and hours passed, there was nothing.

The two were actually left with no food and drink because their backpack was feet away down from them and with no ladder, there’s no way they will be able to get it. Hunter decided to go for the dangerous risk and they managed to get the backpack back and they survived for more hours, they spent few days on the tower, they get to have ideas but all of those failed to reach anyone in the ground or even the nearest diner.

With days spent on the top of the tower, Becky and Hunter began to discover things and the story went from 10 to 100 after Becky realized something, which I think deserves a no spoiler at all.

The Verdict

Yes, I didn’t spoil the end, I love how the whole story went because I didn’t expect it too. I was all giddy when I saw it and it was just remarkable. This movie deserves a 92% Wonderroanne rating and that was an epic way to end the plot, it was predictable at first but definitely one for the books at the end, it was epically made and I think writers and director of this movie deserve a standing ovation. I really am stock with so little words because I cannot contain how excited I am when I watched this movie and I think being speechless is just one way to describe how the movie really went.

I love plots like this, I love that it may seems predictable but reality it is not. I like it how they actually made it possible for viewers to see how the ending became more possible with how it turned out. Yes, you better watch this movie!

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