Bling Empire: S3

Rating: 3 out of 5.

Who haven’t heard of Crazy Rich Asians? I hope all of my readers know Crazy Rich Asians coz that is one of the movies that made me start reviewing. Of course, this movie is not only a movie but also a mirror of the rich society of Asians. I know, those are real in real life and that is what the Netflix Original Reality Show, Bling Empire is showing us. Yes, there’s so much more in this show than only watching rich asians spend their money. There’s also so much drama in it. And with the latest season, there’s for sure more drama in store for the viewers.

Last season, we all witness how gossiping ruined some relationships. Kim and Kevin’s moment was ruined by Kane and Ana and Christine’s feud got worse when Kane spread some gossip too, it all went to realizing that Kane has been in every issues of the group which Kane was not aware of. The season 2 was not that exciting as the first one but is more controversial just like the season 1. 

I just finished watching the Season 3 and I should say that it is a season of redemption, aside from Christine gaining her confidence back, there’s also people who came back in their lives however, not sure if it was a good thing or no. There’s so much more t love in the season 3 especially when Kane invited Ms. Heart Evangelista, a socialite, influencer and one the most beloved person in the Philippines. I’m so sure that many Filipinos would want to see more of Heart in Bling Empire coz she belongs there and can definitely make one more season exciting. 

Heart Evangelista and Kane

The highlights of the season 3 were not that much of controversial but this time, they focused on Kevin and Kelly and how they moved on in each of their struggles. I like how they made some closure to some issues also and along with that, they made some new arguments, now Jamie is involved with the Christine-Ana story. I’m looking forward to these two to become just friends but who are we to meddle right? Are all Christines like this? Selling Sunset has one Christine who creates drama too so I guess it’s the character of the name, yeah? But the main reason for all of these dramas were literally Kane so I think there’s really something dramatic with Kane, like everything he touches turns into a major drama with him making an escape every time.

This season is like a continuation of the past season and I didn’t get much of an excitement coz I know who’s gonna make the drama and everything. I would give this fair wonderroanne rating because there’s nothing new aside from Kevin getting back with his ex-girlfriend Devon Diep, so I guess that’s what we’re going to look forward for the next season. I’m hoping they cast other rich asians just like Heart Evangelista.

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